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Legal Information: Oregon

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of July 8, 2024

What are the steps involved with getting a sexual abuse protective order?

The steps to get a sexual abuse protective order are similar to the steps to get a restraining order to prevent abuse, but you may fill out different paperwork.  If you have questions, you can call the clerk of court or talk to a lawyer.  You can find the contact information for local courthouses on the Oregon Courthouse Locations page and for lawyers on the Oregon Finding a Lawyer page.

How much does a sexual abuse protective order cost?

There are no fees to file for a sexual abuse protective order or to have the abuser served with the paperwork by the sheriff. You also cannot be charged any court costs for the hearing.1

1 ORS § 163.777(1)(a)

Will I have to face the abuser in court?

The abuser has the right to request a hearing and challenge your ex parte sexual abuse protective order. If the abuser requests a hearing, you will receive notice of the time and date of the hearing.1

If there is going to be a hearing, you have the option of filing a request asking the judge to allow you to appear at the hearing (or to have a witness appear at the hearing) by telephone or some other two-way communication device instead of appearing in person. The judge will decide if there is good cause to allow you or your witness to appear by telephone and will consider whether or not the safety or welfare of you or your witness would be threatened by requiring you to appear in person.2

1 ORS § 163.765(6)(a), (6)(b)
2 ORS § 163.770(1), (3)