WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors.

Legal Information: Oregon

Know the Laws - By State

Please see below for state-specific laws that might be useful for victims and survivors of domestic violence. This information is written in a Q & A format and is meant to provide you with easy-to-understand information. You can also reach us at our Email Hotline if you have more specific questions.

A brief description of the difference between state laws and federal laws.

Information about restraining orders to prevent abuse, stalking protection orders, extreme risk protection orders, and restraining orders for the elderly and disabled.

Information about custody in Oregon.

State-specific information about custody in Oregon.

This page has some general information (not state-specific) about when one parent takes a child out of the state or country without the other parent’s consent.

Basic information about divorce in Oregon.

Oregon’s housing laws protect victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking. You can be let out of your lease early, get your locks changed, the abuser’s tenancy can be terminated, and the landlord cannot discriminate against you.

Information about crimes the abuser may have committed in Oregon and victim assistance programs.

If you are a victim of domestic violence, it may be illegal for the abuser to buy or have a gun.

You may have a right to sue an abuser for medical costs, lost wages, and to recover your property.