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Legal Information: Oregon

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of July 8, 2024

What is the legal definition of "disabled" for the purpose of getting this order?

For purposes of this restraining order, “a person with a disability” is defined as someone with a physical or mental disability who is eligible for Supplemental Security Income or for general assistance and meets one of the following:

  • has a developmental disability, or is mentally or emotionally disturbed and lives in or needs placement in a residential program;
  • is an alcohol or drug abuser and lives or needs placement in a residential program;
  • has another type of physical or mental disability; or
  • is experiencing a brain injury for a long enough time to affect that person’s ability to perform activities of daily living.1

1 O.R.S. §§ 124.005(9); 410.040(7); 410.715