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Legal Information: Nevada

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of December 5, 2024

What protections can I get in an order for protection?

A temporary order can:

  • forbid further threats, harassment, or injury to you or your minor child either directly or through a third party;
  • order the abuser to stay out of your home;
  • prohibit the abuser from entering your place of employment, school, or other specified location;
  • award you temporary legal custody of children;
  • provide other relief the court considers necessary in an emergency situation;
  • prohibit the abuser from physically injuring or threatening to injure any animal owned by you, your minor child, or the abuser (and from taking possession of any animal owned by you or your minor child) either directly or through someone else; and
  • order anything else that is necessary.1

An extended order can grant everything mentioned above and the following additional things:

  • award you custody of your children and force the abuser to pay child support;
  • establish visitation arrangements and require supervision by a third party if necessary;
  • order the abuser to make rental or mortgage payments on the home in which you are living;
  • reimburse you for lost earnings and expenses due to you having to attend any hearing for an extended order;
  • make arrangements for the possession and care of any animal owned or kept by either party or your minor child;
  • order the abuser to pay all or part of the costs and fees you spent to file and get the order for protection;2
  • force the abuser to turn over to law enforcement or sell/transfer any firearms to a licensed firearm dealer within 24 hours of service of the order for protection and prevent him/her from having or buying firearms while the order is in effect.3 Before ordering this, the judge must consider:
    • any documented history of domestic violence;
    • whether the abuser has used or threatened to use a firearm to injure or harass you, your child, or any other person; and
    • whether the abuser has used a firearm while committing (or attempting to commit) any crime.
    • Note: Even if the judge orders that the abuser cannot have or possess a firearm, there could be an exception made to allow the abuser to use or possess a gun during his/her job. Three conditions must be met, however:
      • it is required by the employer that s/he use or have a firearm;
      • s/he only uses it while performing his/her job duties; and
      • the employer will store the firearm during any period when the abuser is not working.4

1 N.R.S. § 33.030(1)
2 N.R.S. § 33.030(2)
3 N.R.S. §§ 33.031(1); 33.033(1)
4 N.R.S. § 33.031(2),(3)