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Legal Information: Kansas

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of November 15, 2023

What protections can I get in a protection from stalking, sexual assault, or human trafficking order?

A temporary ex parte order or a final order can include any or all of the following protections:

  • order the abuser not to follow, harass, telephone, or make contact with you in any way;
  • order the abuser not to enter your home or the area immediately around your home;
  • order the abuser not to commit or attempt to commit sexual assault upon you;
  • order the abuser not to recruit, harbor, transport, commit, or attempt to commit human trafficking against you;
  • order the abuser not to violate your privacy rights; and
  • order any other protections the judge considers necessary.1

Whether a judge orders any or all of the above depends on the facts of your case.

1 Kan. Stat. §§ 60-31a05(b); 60-31a06(a)