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Legal Information: Minnesota

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of August 21, 2024

Step 1: Fill out the necessary forms and file them in court.

You can get and file a petition for an order for protection at the appropriate courthouse - see In which country can I file for an order for protection? Check our MN Courthouse Locations to find the courthouse in your area. At the courthouse, the clerk will provide you with the forms that you need to file. If you need assistance filling out the form, you may ask the clerk for help or you can try to get help through one of the domestic violence organizations listed on our MN Advocates and Shelters page.

You will also find links to online forms at our MN Download Court Forms page.

Read the petition carefully and ask questions if you don’t understand something. Describe in detail how the abuser (respondent) injured or threatened you. Explain when and where the abuse or threats occurred. Write about the incidents of violence, using descriptive language, such as slapping, hitting, grabbing, choking, threatening, etc. that fits your situation. Be specific. Include approximate dates, if possible.

Note: Do not sign the form until you have shown it to a clerk. The form may have to be signed in front of a notary public at the courthouse.

Step 2: A judge will review your petition and may grant an ex parte order.

After you finish filling out your petition, a judge will review it. If you are in immediate danger, the judge can give you an ex parte order. A judge will decide this based on the facts included in your petition.

The abuser does not have to be notified in advance for you to receive an ex parte order, which can last for up to two years. If an ex parte order is granted, the ex parte order and petition must be served upon the respondent and, if a hearing was requested by you, s/he will also be served with a notice of the date set for the hearing. If the respondent has a custodian, that custodian must also be served with a copy of the ex parte order, which can be done by personal service or certified mail.

If you do not request a hearing, the order served on the abuser must include a notice advising the respondent/abuser of the right to request a hearing to object to the order along with a form that can be used by the respondent to request this hearing. S/he must request the hearing within five days of service of the order.1

1 Minn Stat § 518B.01(7)(c)

Step 3: Service of process

If you receive an ex parte order, it will not be enforceable until the papers have been served upon the abuser. The judge can order the sheriff to serve necessary paperwork on the abuser without any cost to you. But if the judge does not mention this in court and you want the sheriff to serve the papers, be sure to ask the judge to order it. Service can also be done by a “peace officer” or a corrections officer, such as a probation officer, court services officer, parole officer, or an employee of a jail or correctional facility.1 

As an alternative, the law allows a peace officer to serve the respondent with a “short-form notification” that notifies the respondent of the basic elements of the order. This may be appropriate, for example, if the respondent comes into contact with the police and the police learn that there is an unserved temporary order. The short-form notification will have the following instructions to the respondent: “The order for protection is now enforceable. You must report to your nearest sheriff office or county court to obtain a copy of the order for protection. You are subject to arrest and may be charged with a misdemeanor, gross misdemeanor, or felony if you violate any of the terms of the order for protection or this short-form notification.”2

Note: If service was unsuccessful because the respondent is avoiding service, you can file an affidavit with the court to explain what happened. The judge can then allow the respondent to be served by “alternate service,” which can include publication in a newspaper for one week. To apply for publication, you will need to file an affidavit with the court saying that:

  • the sheriff, peace officer, or corrections officer could not serve the respondent because the respondent is avoiding service; and
  • either:
    • a copy of the petition and notice of hearing was mailed to the respondent’s home; or
    • you do not know the respondent’s home address. 3

Service by publication will be considered complete seven days after the notice is published.3 You can find more information about service of process in our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section, in the question called What is service of process and how do I accomplish it?

1 Minn Stat § 518B.01(9a)
2 Minn Stat § 518B.01(8)(a), (8a)
3 Minn Stat § 518B.01(4)(h), (5)(f)

Step 4: The hearing

It may be the case that you will not have to come back to court after you receive your ex parte order for protection. However, if you are ordered to return to court for a hearing, it is very important that you attend the court hearing. If you absolutely cannot attend, contact the court clerk immediately and ask how you can get a continuance for a later court date. See the At the Hearing section for ways you can show the judge that you were abused. You can learn more about the court system in our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section. See the MN Finding a Lawyer page for legal referrals.