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Legal Information: Minnesota

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of August 21, 2024

Do I need to tell the court in Minnesota if I move?

The law says that a petitioner who has an order for protection is supposed to give notification of a change in residence immediately to the court administrator and to the local law enforcement agency in your new location. If you notify the court administrator of your move, the court administrator is supposed to forward a copy of your order to the law enforcement agency in your new location within 24 hours.1 

Note: An order for protection is enforceable even if you do not notify the court administrator or the appropriate law enforcement agency that you moved.2

If you provide your new address to the court, you can ask them to keep it confidential. It will be kept in a confidential part of your file, and the public will not have access to it. However, your new address could possibly be released to court officials in your new state or law enforcement officials in either Minnesota or your new state. You or the custodian of your child may also request that the information about where your child lives be similarly kept confidential from the public.3

1 Minn. Stat. § 518B.01(13)(b)
2 Minn. Stat. § 518B.01(13)(c)
3 Minn. Stat. § 518B.01(3b)