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Legal Information: Minnesota

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of August 21, 2024

How much does it cost to file for a harassment restraining order?

There can be a filing fee for a harassment restraining order that depends on the facts of your case and who you are filing against. The district court can tell you what the fee is but it can likely be a few hundred dollars.1  However, if you allege that the respondent committed stalking or the sex crimes listed in sections 609.342 to 6093.451 of the law, the fee will be waived.2 Also, if you are a low-income person and meet the income guidelines, the fee will be waived.

1 According to the Minnesota Judicial Branch in 2022, the base filing fee is $285 plus possible “law library fees”
2 MN Code § 609.748(3a)