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Legal Information: Michigan

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of March 27, 2024

Can an extreme risk protective order be changed or ended early?

If you are the petitioner, you can file a motion to change or end the ERPO at any time. A hearing will be held, and the judge will decide whether or not the ERPO should be changed or ended.1

The respondent can file one request during each six-month period that the order is in effect to ask for a hearing to change or end the order. This request may be made in addition to the initial hearing during which the respondent could object to the ex parte order being entered in the first place.2 Go to What types of orders are there? How long do they last? for more information.

1 MCR § 3.720(A)(1)(a)
2 MCL § 691.1807(5); MCR § 3.720(A)(1)(b)