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Legal Information: Michigan

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of March 27, 2024

Who can file for an extreme risk protective order?

You can file for an extreme risk protective order if you are:

  1. the respondent’s:
  • spouse or former spouse;
  • co-parent;
  • current or former dating partner;
  • current or former co-habitant;
  • parent, guardian, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, or first cousin;1 or
  1. any of the following professionals:
  • a law enforcement officer; or
  • a health care provider.2

The complaint must show that “within the near future,” the respondent can “reasonably be expected” to cause personal injury to himself/herself, you, or others by having, buying, owning, or receiving a firearm.3 However, you can file for an extreme risk protective order even if the respondent does not currently have or own a firearm.4

1 MCL § 691.1803(d)
2 MCL § 691.1805(2)
3 MCL § 691.1805(3)
4 MCL § 691.1805(4)