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Legal Information: Michigan

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of March 27, 2024

Step 5: The hearing

Unlike many other states, a hearing for a final order isn’t automatically scheduled by the judge after you get your ex parte PPO. The abuser has the right to file a motion to change (modify) or cancel (rescind) the personal protection order and request a hearing within 14 days of being served with the ex parte order unless s/he has a good reason to extend the time to file the motion.1 If the abuser does request a court hearing, a hearing will normally be set for some time during the following 14 days; if s/he uses a gun for his/her job, it would take place within five days.2 

You must go to the hearing, if the abuser requests one.  If you do not go to the hearing, a judge might take away your ex parte PPO. See the At the Hearing section for ways you can show the judge that you were abused.  If the abuser requested a hearing, but does not show up, the judge may continue with the hearing without the abuser or s/he may order a new hearing date.

You have the right to bring a lawyer to represent you at the hearing. If you need more time to find a lawyer, especially if you show up to court and the abuser has a lawyer and you do not, you may ask the judge for a “continuance” to set a later court date so you can have time to find a lawyer for yourself.  Go to our MI Finding a Lawyer page for legal referrals.

1 MCL § 600.2950(11)(g), (13)
2 MCL § 600.2950(14)