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Legal Information: North Carolina

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of December 10, 2024

What protections can be included in a workplace no-contact order?

In both a temporary and permanent order, the judge can order the respondent to:

  1. not visit, assault, bother (molest), or otherwise interfere with:
    • the employer;
    • the employees at their workplace; or
    • the employer’s business;
  2. not stalk or harass the employee at the employer’s workplace;
  3. not harass the employer at the employer’s workplace;
  4. not abuse or injure the employer, including the property or employees at the employer’s workplace;
  5. not contact the employee or employer at the employer’s workplace by phone, writing, or electronic means; or
  6. do anything else the judge decides is necessary and appropriate.1

1 N.C. Gen. Stat. § 95-264(b)