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Legal Information: North Carolina

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of December 10, 2024

How is a 50D civil no-contact different than a 50C civil no-contact order or a 50B domestic violence protective order?

All three orders, 50D, 50C and 50B, can protect victims of sexual assault.  However, 50D no-contact orders are permanent, whereas 50C and 50B orders must be renewed in person each time the order expires.1  Additionally, another important difference is that victims of sexual assault are only eligible for a 50D civil no-contact order if the offender was convicted and the offense requires registration on the sex-offender registry.2  You can read more about 50C orders on our Civil No-Contact Order (“50C orders”) page and 50B orders on our Domestic Violence Protective Orders (“50B orders”) page.

1 NCGS §§ 50D-1(1); 50C-8(c); 50B-3(b)
2 NCGS § 50D-5