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Legal Information: Federal


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Laws current as of November 22, 2024

What needs to be included in my T visa application?

The first step is to get a lawyer, if possible, with experience doing T visas. Next, you will fill out, with the attorney’s help, an “Application for T Nonimmigrant Status,” which is called Form I-914. You can find the necessary forms, including the I-914 and I-914 Supplement B, at the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services website.

Along with the completed Form I-914, you must send USCIS a personal statement describing how you were a victim of trafficking. You must also send any ​supporting evidence (“corroboration”) you have to show that you meet the eligibility requirements.1

You are also encouraged to submit a “Law Enforcement Declaration,” which is Form I-914 Supplement B. This form is also known as a law enforcement agency (LEA) endorsement. However, this form is optional. So, you could instead include something else to prove your cooperation with law enforcement or to prove that you are excused (exempt) from this requirement.

In addition, there are other forms and T visa requirements that require an expert in immigration law to do correctly.

1 8 CFR 214.204(c)