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Legal Information: Federal


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Laws current as of November 22, 2024

Do I need a lawyer to apply for a T visa or can I find the forms online?

You can download the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services application forms from the USCIS website. However, we strongly encourage you to contact an immigration attorney to assist you in completing and submitting an application for a T visa to the USCIS.

It is very important that you work with an attorney, or initially with an advocate, who is familiar with T visas. The forms and laws are confusing and you may make a mistake or leave something out that results in USCIS denying your application.

It is important to know that at certain times in the past, USCIS has sometimes put T visa applicants whose cases were denied into immigration court for deportation (“removal proceedings”). Under a new law and the policy of the Biden Administration, this is no longer happening except in very unusual cases.1 Still, the policy could change in the future, so it is safest to contact an immigration attorney before filing an application. To find an immigration attorney, see our Immigration listings under National Organizations and / or our Finding a Lawyer page for a lawyer near you.

1 8 CFR 214.204(b)(3)