What protections can I get in a protection from stalking order?
A protection from stalking order can include some or all of the following terms. The judge can order the abuser to:
- turn over his/her firearms to the police of Puerto Rico (temporarily or permanently) and the suspension of the abuser’s gun license;
- be excluded from the home you share together, regardless of any legal claim that the abuser may have to that home;
- stop harassing, stalking, following, intimidating, or threatening you;
- stay away from any place where you are (if the judge believes that this limitation is necessary to prevent the abuser from bothering, intimidating, threatening or stalking you and/or your family members);
- pay you financial compensation for damages resulting from the acts of stalking, which can include (but are not limited to): moving expenses; the cost of repairing damage to your property; legal, medical, psychiatric, psychological, or counseling fees; and expenses related to housing and other similar costs; and/or
- do whatever else is necessary for your protection.1
1 33 L.P.R.A. § 4015(c)