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Legal Information: Puerto Rico

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of November 25, 2023

What is the legal definition of child abuse in Puerto Rico?

Child abuse is when a parent or guardian intentionally does something, or fails to do something, that harms a child or puts a child at risk. The following acts are considered child abuse:

  • obscene behavior or using a child to behave in an obscene manner;
  • allowing another person to harm or endanger the physical, mental, or emotional health of a child;
  • voluntarily abandoning a child;
  • when a parent or guardian exploits the child or allows another person to do so by forcing or allowing the child to perform any act, including but not limited to, using the child to perform an obscene act for the parent’s/guardian’s benefit;
  • an act that, if criminally prosecuted, would be a crime against the child’s physical, mental, and emotional health and integrity, including sexual abuse of the child or human trafficking; and
  • committing domestic violence in front of a child.1

8 L.P.R.A. § 1643(aa)