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Legal Information: Louisiana

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of October 30, 2024

What is the legal definition of nonconsensual sexual contact?

To be eligible for a sexual assault protective order, you must be the victim of sexual assault, which is defined as any act of nonconsensual sexual contact. “Nonconsensual sexual contact” includes the crime of “obscenity” or any sex offense listed in LA R.S. 15:541(subsection 24).1 Some examples of the sex offenses listed in the law include: rape, sexual battery, and photographing or videotaping someone without his/her consent for the purpose of sexual arousal.2 An example of the crime of “obscenity” includes exposure of genitals or breasts in a public place with the intent of arousing sexual desire.3

Note: Although the law that defines “sexual offenses” lists very specific crimes, as explained above, the law also uses the phrase “including, but not limited to” when listing the crimes.1 Therefore, it is possible that other acts that are not one of the listed crimes may also be considered nonconsensual sexual contact.

1 LA R.S. § 46:2184
2 LA R.S. § 15:541(24)
3 LA R.S. § 14:106(1)