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Legal Information: Florida

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of November 8, 2024

Who can apply for an injunction for protection against stalking?

The following people can apply for an injunction for protection against stalking:

  1. a stalking victim can file for an injunction for himself/herself; and/or
  2. the parent/legal guardian of a minor child who is living at home can file fo an injunction for protection against stalking on behalf of the minor child.1

You can file against anyone who is stalking you, regardless of your relationship to that person2 as long as you meet the definition of someone who is being stalked, according to the law.  See What is the legal definition of stalking in Florida? for more information.

The injunction petition is filed in the circuit court.  See Where can I file for an injunction for protection against stalking? for more information about where to file.

1 Fla. Stat. § 784.0485(1)(a)
2 Fla. Stat. § 784.0485(1)(c)