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Legal Information: Alaska

Statutes: Alaska

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October 2, 2024

Sec. 18.67.030. Application for compensation

(a) A person who may be eligible for compensation under this chapter may make application to the board. In a case in which the person entitled to make application is a minor, the application may be made on the person’s behalf by a parent or guardian. In a case in which the person entitled to make application is mentally incompetent, the application may be made on the person’s behalf by a parent, guardian, or other individual authorized to administer the person’s estate.

(b) In order to be eligible for compensation under this chapter, the applicant shall, before a hearing on an application under this chapter, submit reports, if reasonably available, from all physicians or surgeons who have treated or examined the victim in relation to the injury for which compensation is claimed at the time of or subsequent to the victim’s injury or death. If, in the opinion of the board, reports on the previous medical history of the victim, a report on the examination of the injured victim, or a report on the cause of death of the victim by an impartial medical expert would be of material aid to its determination, the board shall order the reports and examination.

(c) An application for compensation and personally identifying information relating to an applicant for compensation are confidential records and may not be released by the board.