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Legal Information: Oklahoma

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of November 12, 2024

Who is eligible for a victim protective order?

To get a victim protective order you must be a victim of one of the crimes listed here, but you do not have to have a specific relationship with the offender.  If the offender is a family or household member, then you cannot file for a victim protective order but could be eligible for a domestic violence protective order.1

If you are the immediate family member of a victim of first-degree murder, you are eligible for a victim protection order against the offender who was charged and convicted of the crime of first-degree murder or the person who was charged and convicted for being an accessory to the crime.2

1 22 O.S. § 40.2(A)
2 22 O.S. § 40.2(B)

What are the steps involved for getting a victim protective order?

The steps to get a victim protective order are similar to the steps to get a domestic violence protective order.  However, the protective order forms available at the courthouse and on the court’s website may not include all of the offenses included in this law.  It may be helpful to print out a copy of the law and ask a lawyer or advocate to come to court with you to file.  You may have to be prepared to explain to the court clerk and the judge that you are filing for a victim protective order under this section of the law.  You can also find legal resources on our Finding a Lawyer page and advocates on our Advocates and Shelters page.  You can also find the contact information for the clerk of the court on the OK Courthouse Locations page.