How do I register my protective order in Oklahoma?
You do not need to register your order in Oklahoma in order for it to be enforced.1 However, if you want to register your protection order, you can give a certified copy of the order (certified by the issuing state) to:
- the Secretary of State of Oklahoma; or
- a law enforcement officer and ask him/her to register it with the Secretary of State of Oklahoma.
Once the Secretary of State registers the protection order, you will get a certified copy of the registered order. There is no fee for registering your protection order.2
If you have questions, you can contact a local domestic violence organization in Oklahoma for assistance. You can find contact information for organizations in your area here on the OK Advocates and Shelters page.
1 See O.S. § 60.23 22
2 O.S. § 60.25(A),(B),(F)