WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors.

Legal Information: Guam

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of October 30, 2024

What options might I have if I do not qualify for an order of protection?

If you do not qualify for an order of protection due to domestic abuse, you might qualify for a stalking protection order. In addition, there can be criminal laws that the abuser is violating. Go to our GU Crimes page for the definitions of some commonly-committed crimes. If one of these crimes is being committed against you, and criminal charges are pressed against the abuser, a judge may issue an order to keep the person away from you and to order him/her to have no contact with you.1 You can also visit our Safety Planning page for ways to increase your safety. 

Orders of protection do not cover emotional, mental, or financial abuse. A domestic violence organization in your area can be a good source of support. See our GU Advocates and Shelters for referrals.

1 See, for example, 7 Guam Code § 40B108(a)(1)