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Legal Information: Guam

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of October 30, 2024

Who can get an order of protection?

You can get an order of protection against an adult or minor “family or household member” who has committed acts of domestic abuse against you. Family or household members include:

  • your current or former spouse;
  • someone you live with or lived with in the past;
  • someone you are dating or have dated;
  • someone you have or had a sexual relationship with;
  • someone who is related to you by blood or adoption to the fourth degree of affinity, which includes relationships such as a great-uncle or a first cousin;
  • someone who is/was related to you by marriage;
  • the other parent of your child; and
  • the minor child of someone in one of the relationships described above.1

Note: You can file the petition for yourself, your minor child, or on behalf of another person as long as you have personal knowledge that this person has been abused. Also, an adult household member can file on behalf of a minor child in the household.2

1 7 Guam Code § 40101(d)
2 7 Guam Code § 40103