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Legal Information: California

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of November 7, 2024

How do I change or extend my order?

Either you or the abuser can file to change (modify) your domestic violence restraining order. The California Courts website has the forms that you need to fill out to modify the order as well as information on how to respond to a motion to modify the order if the other party files.

If you want your restraining order to last longer, you will likely want to file for the extension one to two months before your order expires to make sure that you will have your hearing before the order ends. You will need to fill certain forms to renew your order. The judge can make your DVRO last for five more years or more, or permanently with no expiration date. You do not have to prove that there has been further abuse to get the extension. You can file for a renewal more than once.1

The court clerk, a private attorney, or a domestic violence counselor should have the forms you will need to have your order continued. You will also find links to online forms on our CA Download Court Forms page. You will need to have the abuser served with these forms and attend a hearing. The California Courts website gives step-by-step instructions as to what to do after you fill out the forms - click here to read it.

1 Cal.Fam.Code § 6345(a)