What if the abuser violates the order?
Violating a protection order is against the law. There are two ways to get help if the abuser violates the order.
You may file for civil contempt if the abuser does anything that your protection order tells him/her not to do.1 To file for civil contempt, go to the clerk’s office in the courthouse where the order was issued.
You can also seek justice through the criminal justice system by reporting the abuser to the police. Violation of a protection order can be a “gross misdemeanor,” which is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for up to 364 days, a fine of up to $5,000, or both.2
Note: An arrest is mandatory on domestic violence calls even without an existing protection order if the officer has probable cause to believe an adult committed an assault on a family or household member or intimate partner within the preceding four hours. The officer must also believe:
- It was a felony assault;
- The assault caused bodily injury to the victim; or
- A physical act took place that was intended to cause the victim to fear immediate (“imminent”) serious bodily injury or death.3
To read more information about what type of assault must have been committed, you can read the law on our Selected Washintgon Statutes page, section 10.31.100(2)(d).
1 R.C.W. § 7.105.455(3)
2 R.C.W. §§ 7.105.455(2); 9A.20.021(2)
3 R.C.W. § 10.31.100(2)(d)