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Legal Information: Oregon

Statutes: Oregon

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July 8, 2024

107.717. Appearance by telephone or other two-way electronic communication device

(1) A party may file a motion under ORS 45.400 requesting that the court allow the appearance of the party or a witness by telephone or by other two-way electronic communication device in a proceeding under ORS 107.700 to 107.735.
(2) In exercising its discretion to allow written notice less than 30 days before the proceeding as required under ORS 45.400 (2), the court shall consider the expedited nature of a proceeding under ORS 107.700 to 107.735.
(3) In addition to the factors listed in ORS 45.400 (3)(b) that would support a finding of good cause, the court shall consider whether the safety or welfare of the party or witness would be threatened if testimony were required to be provided in person at a proceeding under ORS 107.700 to 107.735.
(4) A motion or good cause determination under this section or ORS 45.400 is not required for ex parte hearings held by telephone under ORS 107.718.