What protections can I get in a workplace violence restraining order?
A workplace violence restraining order can order the abuser to:
- stay away from you and your family/ household members;
- stay away from your home, work, school, vehicle, child’s school or daycare, or other location;1
- not commit further unlawful violence against the victim or his/her family/household members;
- not commit “credible threats of violence” against the victim or his/her family/household members, which include:
- following or stalking the employee to or from the employee’s place of work;
- entering the employee’s place of work;
- following the employee during the employee’s work hours;
- making telephone calls to an employee during the employee’s work hours; and
- sending correspondence to an employee by postal mail, interoffice mail, fax, or electronic mail.2
1 See “Petition of employer for injunction prohibiting violence or threats of violence against employee,” available at the Indiana Courts website
2 IC §§ 34-26-6-8; 34-26-6-1