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Legal Information: Indiana

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of July 30, 2024

Step 5: If there is a hearing for a final order for protection, what will I have to prove?

The abuser may request a hearing or the judge can order one on his/her own. If there is a hearing for the final order, you may have to:

  1. prove that the abuser (the respondent) has committed an act(s) of domestic or family violence (as defined by law), harassment, stalking, or a sex offense against you or your minor children; and
  2. convince a judge that you need protection and the specific things you asked for in the petition.

See the At the Hearing section for ways you can show the judge that you were abused. You can learn more about the court system in our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section. It is also generally best to be represented at a hearing by an attorney who has experience with orders for protection cases. You can find legal referrals at our Indiana Finding a Lawyer page.