What protections can I get in an order of protection from abuse?
In an order of protection from abuse, a judge may order the abuser to:
- stay away from you;
- stay away from a pet (“companion animal”) owned or held by you, the abuser, or a minor child living in the home of you or the abuser;
- not take, transfer, hide, harm, or otherwise get rid of such pet;
- stay away from your residence, work place, school, daycare;
- stop threatening or abusing you;
- stop contacting you;
- pay child support and spousal support;
- pay certain other expenses;
- attend counseling;
- not destroy, sell, or conceal joint property;
- return legal documents, such as a passport, immigration papers, or Social Security card; and
- surrender any and all firearms. Note: The judge can order the police to search for and take the respondent’s firearms if you can describe:
- what type of gun s/he has;
- where it is located; and
- how s/he has used or threatened to use a gun against you or how you fear that s/he might.1
A judge may also grant you:
- exclusive use of the home or of certain possessions, including the family car (regardless of who has title to the home or possessions);
- temporary custody of children;
- power to decide the conditions of child visitation by the abuser;
- exclusive care, custody, or control of any pet (“companion animal”) owned or held by you, the abuser, or a minor child living in the home of you or the abuser; and
- any other relief that the judge believes are necessary in order for you to be free from the violence.1
Whether a judge orders any or all of the above depends on the facts of your case.
1 10 Del.C. § 1045(a)