WomensLaw serves and supports all survivors, no matter their sex or gender.

Legal Information: Delaware

Delaware Crimes

Laws current as of
November 15, 2024


Even if you do not qualify for an order of protection from abuse, the abuser may have committed a crime. If you call the police, they may arrest him/her for a crime and you may get a restraining order through the criminal court. Remember that even if you do have an order of protection from abuse, you can still report him/her to the police if you believe s/he committed a crime against you.

In our Abuse Using Technology section, you can learn the types of behaviors that are considered a misuse of technology. Some of these behaviors might be recognized as a crime depending on the specific laws of your state.

What are some crimes that the abuser may have committed in Delaware?
If I am the victim of a crime, where can I get additional help in Delaware?

What are some crimes that the abuser may have committed in Delaware?

Here is a list of some possible crimes in Delaware that the abuser may have committed. You can click on the links to read the legal definition of the crime in our State Statutes page:

Statute Crime (click here to sort the list alphabetically by crime names)
601 Offensive touching
602 Menacing
603 Reckless endangering in the second degree
604 Reckless endangering in the first degree
605 Abuse of a pregnant female in the second degree
606 Abuse of a pregnant female in the first degree
607 Strangulation or suffocation
607A Aggravated strangulation
611 Assault in the third degree
612 Assault in the second degree
613 Assault in the first degree
621 Terroristic threatening
625 Unlawfully administering drugs
628 Vehicular assault in the second degree
763 Sexual harassment
764 Indecent exposure in the second degree
765 Indecent exposure in the first degree
767 Unlawful sexual contact in the third degree
768 Unlawful sexual contact in the second degree
769 Unlawful sexual contact in the first degree
770 Rape in the fourth degree
771 Rape in the third degree
772 Rape in the second degree
773 Rape in the first degree
774 Sexual extortion
781 Unlawful imprisonment in the second degree
782 Unlawful imprisonment in the first degree
783 Kidnapping in the second degree
783A Kidnapping in the first degree
785 Interference with custody
791 Coercion
804 Reckless burning or exploding
820 Trespass with intent to peep
821 Criminal trespass in the third degree
822 Criminal trespass in the second degree
823 Criminal trespass in the first degree
824 Burglary in the third degree
825 Burglary in the second degree
826 Burglary in the first degree
854 Identity theft
854A Identity theft passport
907 Criminal impersonation
1103 Child abuse in the third degree
1103A Child abuse in the second degree
1103B Child abuse in the first degree
1105 Crime against a vulnerable adult
1271A Criminal contempt of a domestic violence protective order
1311 Harassment
1312 Stalking
1325 Cruelty to animals
1335 Violation of privacy, which includes posting and sending intimate images without consent
1448 Possession and purchase of deadly weapons by persons prohibited
2402 Interception of communications

If I am the victim of a crime, where can I get additional help in Delaware?

The Delaware State Police offer victim assistance on their website. They also offer a 24-hour Crisis Emergency hotline at 1-800-VICTIM-1.

For more information on the availability of victim compensation, visit the Delaware Victims’ Compensation Assistance Program or call them at 302-255-1770.

If you are a victim of domestic violence and have been charged with a crime, you can go to our Abuse Victims Charged with Crimes page.

Other organizations for victims of crime are listed on our National Organizations - Crime Victims page.