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Legal Information: Alaska

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of October 2, 2024

Step 1: Fill out the petition.

To get a copy of the forms for a protective order, go to your local district court or superior court,1 or your local domestic violence or sexual assault organization may assist you in filling them out. To find the courthouse near you, go to Alaska Courthouse Locations. You also have the option of downloading the forms and instructions from the Alaska Courts website or using their “Petition Wizard,” which asks you a series of questions and fills out the forms for you.

On the petition (and in court), you are called the “petitioner”. The person you are getting a protective order against is called the “respondent.” When you finish filling out the petition, wait to sign the petition until you are in front of the court clerk since the clerk likely will have to notarize your petition. 

Note: When you fill out the section entitled “Information About Petitioner,” you need to provide an address where the court can send mail to you. Do not give the actual address where you are staying if you think it will be dangerous for the abuser to know where you are. Instead, if possible, give the address of a friend or relative who can make sure you get any mail the court sends.

1 Alaska Statute § 18.66.100(a)