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Legal Information: South Dakota

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of July 11, 2024

What protections can I get in a protection order?

A protection order can:

  • order the abuser to avoid all personal contact with you;
  • order the abuser to move out of and/or stay away from your home, business, school or other locations;
  • order the abuser to stop all harassing, threatening and violent behavior;
  • order temporary custody and/or visitation;
  • order temporary child support;
  • order the abuser to attend counseling;
  • order parenting classes by the Dept. of Social Services;
  • order the abuser to surrender all firearms, and bar him/her from buying or transporting firearms;
  • order the abuser to do anything else you ask for and the judge agrees to.1

Whether a judge orders any or all of the above depends on the facts of your case.

1 SDCL § 25-10-5