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Legal Information: Pennsylvania

Statutes: Pennsylvania

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December 14, 2023

Rule 1901.8. Modification or Discontinuance

(a) In cases in which a temporary protection order has not yet been granted or has been denied, a plaintiff in a protection from abuse action who wishes to discontinue the action may file a praecipe to discontinue, pursuant to Pa.R.C.P. 229, prior to the final order hearing. The party may also request the discontinuance by oral motion at a hearing.

(b) In cases in which a temporary protection order has been granted, a plaintiff in a protection from abuse action who wishes to vacate the temporary order and discontinue the action shall either file a petition with the court prior to the final order hearing or make the request by oral motion at the final order hearing.

(c) If either party seeks a modification after a final judgment has been entered in a protection from abuse action, the party shall petition the court to modify the final order. The court shall enter an order granting or denying the petition following an appearance by the petitioner before the court.