November 7, 2024Statutes: Missouri
- Title XXIX. Ownership and Conveyance of Property
- Title XXX. Domestic Relations
- Chapter 452. Dissolution of Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and Separate Maintenance
- Dissolution of Marriage
- 452.305. Judgment of dissolution, grounds for--legal separation, when--judgments to contain partial Social Security number--full Social Security number, when
- 452.320. Finding that marriage is irretrievably broken, when--notice--denial by a party, effect of--alternate findings
- 452.335. Maintenance order, findings required for--termination date, may be modified, when
- 452.374. Criminal charge of rape against putative father, stay of paternity proceeding
- 452.375. Custody — definitions — factors determining custody — prohibited, when — public policy of state — custody options — findings required, when — parent plan required — access to records — joint custody not to preclude child support — support, how determined — domestic violence or abuse, specific findings.
- 452.376. Noncustodial parent's right to receive child's school progress reports--administrative fees to be set by school, when--exclusion of address of custodial parent, when
- 452.377. Relocation of child by parent for more than ninety days, required procedure--violation, effect--notice of relocation of parent, required procedure
- 452.385. Child's wishes as to custodian, how determined
- 452.400. Visitation rights, awarded when--history of domestic violence, consideration of--prohibited, when--modification of, when--supervised visitation defined--noncompliance with order, effect of--family access motions, procedure, penalty for violation-
- 452.402. Grandparent's visitation rights granted, when--guardian ad litem appointed, when--termination upon adoption--attorney fees and costs assessed, when
- 452.403. Grandparent denied visitation, court may order mediation upon written request, purpose--costs--venue--termination of mediation, when
- 452.404. Neutral location for exchange of children, when
- 452.405. Custodian to determine child's upbringing, exception--continued supervision, when
- 452.410. Custody, decree, modification of, when
- 452.411. Change of residence deemed grounds for modification of custody, when
- 452.412. Military service of parent not to be a basis for modification of a visitation or custody order--limitations on issuance of certain court orders
- 452.423. Guardian ad litem appointed, when, duties--disqualification, when--fees
- 452.425. Sheriff or law enforcement to enforce custody and visitation orders, when--limitations
- Dissolution of Marriage
- Chapter 455. Abuse--Adults and Children--Shelters and Protective Orders
- Adult Abuse
- 455.003. Rape crisis centers--employees or volunteers required to maintain confidentiality--incompetent to testify
- 455.005. Full order of protection, social security number requirement
- 455.010. Definitions
- 455.015. Venue
- 455.020. Relief may be sought--order of protection effective, where
- 455.025. Duties of circuit clerks--rules, forms, instructions
- 455.027. No filing fees, costs or bond assessments in certain circumstances
- 455.030. Filings--certain information not required from petitioner, exception--supreme court shall provide for filing of petitions on holidays, evenings and weekends
- 455.032. Protection order, restraining respondent from abuse if petitioner is permanently or temporarily in state--evidence admissible of prior abuse in or out of state
- 455.035. Protection orders--ex parte
- 455.038. Petitioner for order of protection, notification of service
- 455.040. Hearings, when--duration of orders, renewal, requirements--copies of order to be given, validity--duties of law enforcement agency--information entered in MULES
- 455.045. Temporary relief available
- 455.050. Full or ex parte order of protection, abuse, stalking, or sexual assault, contents--relief available--wireless telephone numbers, transfer, when
- 455.055. Assignment of wages
- 455.060. Modification of orders, when--termination, when--appeal--custody of children, may not be changed, when
- 455.065. Subsequent modification of orders
- 455.067. Order of protection issued by other jurisdiction, full faith and credit--registration and modification of foreign order of protection
- 455.070. Proceedings independent of others
- 455.073. Uniform forms for petitions and orders of protection
- 455.075. Costs and legal fees
- 455.080. Law enforcement agencies response to alleged incidents of abuse-- factors indicating need for immediate response--establishment of domestic crisis team-- transportation of abused party to medical treatment or shelter
- 455.083. Copy of protection order, reliance by law enforcement officer
- 455.085. Arrest for violation of order--penalties--good faith immunity for law enforcement officials
- 455.090. Order of protection, retention of jurisdiction--enforcement of order
- Child Protection Orders
- 455.500. Citation of law
- 455.503. Venue--petition, who may file
- 455.504. Court clerks to furnish petitioners with uniform forms and information to litigants having no counsel on procedure, filing forms and pleadings--services of clerks and location of office to file petition to be posted--rules--no fees required--guardian ad l
- 455.505. Relief may be sought for child for domestic violence or child being stalked--order of protection effective, where
- 455.510. Filings--information required from petitioner
- 455.513. Ex parte orders, issued immediately, when--for good cause shown, defined--investigation by children's division, when--report due when, available to whom--transfer to juvenile court, when
- 455.516. Hearings, when, procedure, standard of proof--duration of orders--videotaped testimony permitted--renewal of orders, when--service of respondent--notice to law enforcement agencies
- 455.520. Temporary relief available--ex parte orders
- 455.523. Full order of protection--relief available
- 455.524. Order of protection, retention of jurisdiction--compliance review
- 455.526. Assignment of wages
- 455.528. Modification of orders, when--termination--order not res judicata, when
- 455.530. Grounds for modification of orders
- 455.534. Proceedings independent of others
- 455.536. Costs and legal fees
- 455.538. Law enforcement agencies response to violation of order--arrest for violation, penalties--custody to be returned to rightful party, when
- Adult Abuse
- Chapter 452. Dissolution of Marriage, Divorce, Alimony and Separate Maintenance
- Title XXXII. Courts
- Title XXXVII. Criminal Procedure
- Title XXXVIII. Crimes and Punishments; Peace Officers and Public Defenders
- Chapter 556. Preliminary Provisions
- Chapter 557. General Sentencing Provisions
- Chapter 558. Imprisonment
- Chapter 565. Offenses Against the Person
- 565.072. Domestic assault, first degree--penalty
- 565.073. Domestic assault in the second degree, penalty
- 565.074. Domestic assault, third degree--penalty
- 565.076. Domestic assault, fourth degree--penalty
- 565.090. Harassment, first degree--penalty--exception
- 565.091. Harassment, second degree--penalty
- 565.150. Interference with custody--penalty--restitution
- 565.153. Parental kidnapping--penalty--restitution
- 565.156. Child abduction--penalty--restitution
- 565.160. Defenses to parental kidnapping and child abduction
- 565.225. Definitions--stalking, first degree--penalty
- 565.227. Stalking, second degree--penalty
- 565.240. Unlawful posting of certain information over the Internet, penalty
- 565.252. Invasion of privacy, penalty
- Chapter 566. Sexual Offenses
- 566.030. Rape in the first degree, penalties--suspended sentences not granted, when
- 566.031. Rape in the second degree, penalties
- 566.032. Statutory rape and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties
- 566.034. Statutory rape, second degree, penalty
- 566.060. Sodomy in the first degree, penalties--suspended sentence not granted, when
- 566.061. Sodomy in the second degree, penalty
- 566.062. Statutory sodomy and attempt to commit, first degree, penalties
- 566.064. Statutory sodomy, second degree, penalty
- 566.067. Child molestation, first degree, penalties
- 566.068. Child molestation, second degree, penalties
- 566.083. Sexual misconduct involving a child, penalty--applicability of section--affirmative defense not allowed, when
- 566.093. First degree sexual misconduct, penalties
- 566.095. Second degree sexual misconduct, penalty
- 566.100. Sexual abuse in the first degree, penalties
- 566.101. Sexual abuse, second degree, penalties
- 566.111. Sex with an animal, penalties
- 566.151. Enticement of a child, penalties
- 566.203. Abusing an individual through forced labor--penalty
- 566.206. Trafficking for the purpose of slavery, involuntary servitude, peonage, or forced labor--penalty
- 566.209. Trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation--penalty
- 566.210. Sexual trafficking of a child, first degree, penalty
- 566.211. Sexual trafficking of a child, second degree, penalty
- 566.215. Contributing to human trafficking through the misuse of documentation, penalty
- Chapter 568. Offenses Against the Family
- Chapter 569. Arson, Burglary, Trespass, and Related Offenses
- Chapter 570. Stealing and Related Offenses
- Chapter 571. Weapons Offenses
- Chapter 573. Pornography and Related Offenses
- 573.110. Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images, offense of--definitions--elements--exemptions--immunity from liability, when--penalty--private cause of action, when
- 573.112. Threatening the nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images, offense of--elements--penalty
- 573.200. Child used in sexual performance--penalties
- 573.205. Promoting sexual performance by a child--penalties
- Chapter 574. Offenses Against Public Order
- Chapter 595. Victims of Crimes, Compensation and Services