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Legal Information: Louisiana

Statutes: Louisiana

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October 29, 2024

§ 89. Crime against nature

A. Crime against nature is either of the following:

(1) The unnatural carnal copulation by a human being with another of the same sex or opposite sex, except that anal sexual intercourse between two human beings shall not be deemed as a crime against nature when done under any of the circumstances described in R.S. 14:41, 42, 42.1, or 43. Emission is not necessary; and, when committed by a human being with another, the use of the genital organ of one of the offenders of whatever sex is sufficient to constitute the crime.

(2) The marriage to, or sexual intercourse with, any ascendant or descendant, brother or sister, uncle or niece, aunt or nephew, with knowledge of their relationship. The relationship must be by consanguinity, but it is immaterial whether the parties to the act are related to one another by the whole or half blood. The provisions of this Paragraph shall not apply where one person, not a resident of this state at the time of the celebration of his marriage, contracted a marriage lawful at the place of celebration and thereafter removed to this state.

B. (1) Whoever commits the offense of crime against nature as defined by Paragraph (A)(1) of this Section shall be fined not more than two thousand dollars, imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than five years, or both.

(2) Whoever commits the offense of crime against nature as defined by Paragraph (A)(1) of this Section with a person under the age of eighteen years shall be fined not more than fifty thousand dollars, imprisoned at hard labor for not less than fifteen years nor more than fifty years, or both.

(3) Whoever commits the offense of crime against nature as defined by Paragraph (A)(1) of this Section with a person under the age of fourteen years shall be fined not more than seventy-five thousand dollars, imprisoned at hard labor for not less than twenty-five years nor more than fifty years, or both.

(4) Whoever commits the offense of crime against nature as defined by Paragraph (A)(2) of this Section, where the crime is between an ascendant and descendant, or between brother and sister, shall be imprisoned at hard labor for not more than fifteen years.

(5) Whoever commits the offense of crime against nature as defined by Paragraph (A)(2) of this Section, where the crime is between uncle and niece, or aunt and nephew, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, imprisoned, with or without hard labor, for not more than five years, or both.

C. (1) It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution for a violation of Paragraph (A)(1) of this Section that, during the time of the alleged commission of the offense, the defendant was a victim of trafficking of children for sexual purposes as provided in R.S. 14:46.3(E). Any child determined to be a victim pursuant to the provisions of this Paragraph shall be eligible for specialized services for sexually exploited children.

(2) It shall be an affirmative defense to prosecution for a violation of Paragraph (A)(1) of this Section that, during the time of the alleged commission of the offense, the defendant is determined to be a victim of human trafficking pursuant to the provisions of R.S. 14:46.2(F). Any person determined to be a victim pursuant to the provisions of this Paragraph shall be notified of any treatment or specialized services for sexually exploited persons to the extent that such services are available.

D. The provisions of Act No. 177 of the 2014 Regular Session and the provisions of Act No. 602 of the 2014 Regular Session incorporate the elements of the crimes of incest (R.S. 14:78) and aggravated incest (R.S. 14:78.1), as they existed prior to their repeal by these Acts, into the provisions of the crimes of crime against nature (R.S. 14:89) and aggravated crime against nature (R.S. 14:89.1), respectively. For purposes of the provisions amended by Act No. 177 of the 2014 Regular Session and Act No. 602 of the 2014 Regular Session, a conviction for a violation of R.S. 14:89(A)(2) shall be the same as a conviction for the crime of incest (R.S. 14:78) and a conviction for a violation of R.S. 14:89.1(A)(2) shall be the same as a conviction for the crime of aggravated incest (R.S. 14:78.1). Neither Act shall be construed to alleviate any person convicted or adjudicated delinquent of incest (R.S. 14:78) or aggravated incest (R.S. 14:78.1) from any requirement, obligation, or consequence imposed by law resulting from that conviction or adjudication including but not limited to any requirements regarding sex offender registration and notification, parental rights, probation, parole, sentencing, or any other requirement, obligation, or consequence imposed by law resulting from that conviction or adjudication.

E. Nothing in Act No. 485 of the 2018 Regular Session of the Legislature shall be construed to alleviate any person convicted or adjudicated delinquent of crime against nature (R.S. 14:89) from any requirement, obligation, or consequence imposed by law resulting from that conviction or adjudication including but not limited to any requirements regarding sex offender registration and notification, parental rights, probation, parole, sentencing, or any other requirement, obligation, or consequence imposed by law resulting from that conviction or adjudication.