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Legal Information: Louisiana

Statutes: Louisiana

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October 29, 2024

§ 43.1.1. Misdemeanor sexual battery

A. Misdemeanor sexual battery is the intentional touching of the breasts or buttocks of the victim by the offender using any instrumentality or any part of the body of the offender, directly or through clothing, or the intentional touching of the breasts or buttocks of the offender by the victim using any instrumentality or any part of the body of the victim, directly or through clothing, when the offender acts without the consent of the victim.

B. Whoever commits the crime of misdemeanor sexual battery shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned for not more than six months, or both.

C. The offender shall not be eligible to have his conviction set aside and his prosecution dismissed in accordance with Code of Criminal Procedure Article 894.

D. The offender shall not be subject to any provisions of law that are applicable to sex offenders, including but not limited to any provision that requires the registration of the offender and notice to the public.