October 30, 2024Statutes: Guam
- Title 5. Government Operations
- Title 7. Civil Procedure and Judiciary
- Title 8. Criminal Procedure
- Chapter 161. Compensation for Damages from Criminal Activities
- 161.50. Eligibility for Compensation
- 161.55. Violent Crimes
- 161.60. Award of Compensation
- 161.70. Recovery from Offender
- 161.71. Fines Imposed on Offenders
- 161.75. Eligibility for Compensation
- 161.80. Award of Compensation
- 161.85. Terms of Order
- 161.90. Limitations Upon Award of Compensation
- 161.95. Criminal Injuries Compensation Fund; When Payment Authorized
- Chapter 161. Compensation for Damages from Criminal Activities
- Title 9. Crimes and Corrections
- Chapter 1. Preliminary Provisions; Definitions
- Chapter 19. Assault, Reckless Endangering, Terrorizing
- 19.20. Aggravated Assault; Defined & Punished.
- 19.30. Assault; Defined & Punished.
- 19.40. Reckless Conduct; Defined & Punished
- 19.60. Terrorizing; Defined & Punished
- 19.69. Definitions
- 19.70. Stalking
- 19.80. Strangulation; Defined & Punished.
- 19.81. Interfering with the Reporting of Family Violence; Defined & Punished
- Chapter 22. Kidnapping and Related Offenses
- Chapter 25. Sexual Offenses
- Chapter 28. Public Indecency
- Article 2. Obscenity and Related Offenses
- 28.90. Obscene, Anonymous, Harassing and Threatening Communications by Computer; Defined and Punished.
- 28.100. Illegal Use of a Computer or Telecommunications Device to Disseminate Prohibited Materials Involving a Minor-Sexting; Crime Defined and Punished.
- 28.102. Unlawful Distribution of Images; Exceptions; Definitions; and Penalties.
- Article 2. Obscenity and Related Offenses
- Chapter 30. Family Violence
- 30.10. Definitions
- 30.20. Family violence
- 30.21. Conditions of Release
- 30.30. Powers and duties of peace officers to arrest for crimes involving family violence; determination of primary aggressor; required report
- 30.31. Mandatory Confinement
- 30.32. Duties of Peace Officers to Victim of Family Violence; Required Notice to Victim.
- 30.40. Violation of a court order
- 30.50. Authority of peace officer to seize weapons
- 30.60. Disclosure of family violence shelter
- 30.90. Establishment and Requirement of the Domestic Abuse Response Team ("DART")
- 30.100. Maintenance of systematic records
- 30.300. Interfering with the Reporting of Family Violence.
- Chapter 31. Offenses Against the Family
- Chapter 46. Impersonation; Identity Theft; Defined & Punished
- Title 10. Health and Safety
- Title 19. Personal Relations
- Division 1. Persons & Personal Relations
- Chapter 1. Persons in General
- Chapter 4. Parent and Child
- Article 1. Children by Birth
- 4101. Legitimate Children
- 4102. Same; Out of Wedlock
- 4103. Who May Dispute
- 4104. Parent’s Obligation to Children
- 4105. Support
- 4105.1. Payments for Disabled Children and for Education
- 4106. Custody
- 4107. Living Separate; Rights Are Equal
- 4108. Exclusive Control, Decree Of
- 4109. Custody; Illegitimate Child
- 4110. Allowance to Parent
- 4111. Control of Child’s Property
- 4112. Remedy; Parental Abuse
- 4113. Parental Authority
- 4114. Deceased Parent’s Estate; Child’s Support
- 4115. Reciprocal Duty: Parents and Children
- 4116. Parent’s Liability For Necessaries of Child
- 4117. Same; Non-liability
- 4118. Stepchildren; Husband Not Liable
- 4119. Parents Supporting; Compensation
- 4120. Relinquishment of Custody and Services to Child
- 4121. Minor’s Wages
- 4122. Child’s Residence Follows Parent
- 4123. Wife Living Separate; Minor Children
- 4124. Legitimation of Children
- 4125. Birth Record
- 4126. Same; Duty to Record
- Article 1. Children by Birth
- Chapter 8. Dissolution of Marriage
- Article 2. Dissolution of Marriage
- 8204. Adultery
- 8205. Extreme Cruelty
- 8206. Desertion
- 8207. Desertion, How Manifested
- 8208. Fraud, Desertion
- 8209. Absence, Cruelty; Not Desertion
- 8210. Separation by Consent; Not Desertion
- 8211. Desertion Generally
- 8212. Consent Revocable
- 8213. Desertion, Cured, Generally
- 8214. Husband's Home
- 8215. Husband, Decent Residence
- 8216. Willful Neglect
- 8217. Habitual Intemperance
- 8218. Same, One Year
- 8219. Irreconcilable Differences
- Article 3. Causes for Denying Dissolution of Marriage
- Article 4. General Provisions
- Article 2. Dissolution of Marriage
- Chapter 14. Civil Orders for Protection
- Division 1. Persons & Personal Relations
- Court Rules.
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