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: Florida

Estatutos Seleccionados: Florida

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7 de noviembre de 2024

960.197. Assistance to victims of online sexual exploitation and child pornography

(1) Notwithstanding the criteria set forth in s. 960.13 for crime victim compensation awards, the department may award compensation for counseling and other mental health services to treat psychological injury or trauma to:

(a) A child younger than 18 years of age who suffers psychiatric or psychological injury as a direct result of online sexual exploitation under any provision of s. 827.071, s. 847.0135, s. 847.0137, or s. 847.0138, and who does not otherwise sustain a personal injury or death; or

(b) Any person who, while younger than age 18, was depicted in any image or movie, regardless of length, of child pornography as defined in s. 847.001, who has been identified by a law enforcement agency or the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children as an identified victim of child pornography, who suffers psychiatric or psychological injury as a direct result of the crime, and who does not otherwise sustain a personal injury or death.

(2) Compensation under this section is not contingent upon pursuit of a criminal investigation or prosecution.