960.198. Relocation assistance for victims of domestic violence
(1) Notwithstanding the criteria set forth in s. 960.13 for crime victim compensation awards, the department may award a one-time payment of up to $1,500 on any one claim and a lifetime maximum of $3,000 to a victim of domestic violence who needs immediate assistance to escape from a domestic violence environment.
(2) In order for an award to be granted to a victim for relocation assistance:
(a) There must be proof that a domestic violence offense was committed;
(b) The domestic violence offense must be reported to the proper authorities;
(c) The victim’s need for assistance must be certified by a certified domestic violence center in this state; and
(d) The center certification must assert that the victim is cooperating with law enforcement officials, if applicable, and must include documentation that the victim has developed a safety plan.
(3) Relocation payments for a domestic violence claim shall be denied if the department has previously approved or paid out a human trafficking or sexual battery relocation claim under s. 960.196 or s. 960.199 to the same victim regarding the same incident.