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Información Legal: Nuevo Hampshire

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of
10 de agosto de 2023

How long does a stalking protective order last? Can it later be extended or withdrawn?

A final staking protection order can last for up to one year.

You can later file a request for an extension to extend the order before it expires. If you can prove that there is “good cause” to extend it, the judge can extend it for one year. However, after that first one year-extension, you can file again to extend it for up to five years per extension.1 The abuser has the right to file an objection to the extension of the order and then the judge would hold a hearing.

You can also file a request for withdrawal if you decide you want to withdraw or cancel the order.

1 N.H. Rev. Stat. § 633:3-a(III-c)