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Legal Information: Utah

Restraining Orders

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Laws current as of June 11, 2024

Can a workplace violence protective order be extended?

A workplace violence protective order can be extended for up to 18 months.1 To extend the order, the employer must file a motion requesting the extension before the order expires. The court will then schedule a hearing. At the hearing, the employer must prove that:

  1. the abuser violated the workplace violence protective order; or
  2. there is a substantial likelihood that the petitioner or an employee of the petitioner will be subjected to workplace violence while performing the employee’s duties as an employee.”2 

Note from WomensLaw: It appears that the phrase “will be subjected to workplace violence” in bullet #2 was accidentally deleted from the wording of the statute in the last legislative session. WomensLaw is including it with the anticipation that it will be corrected in the next legislative session.

1 UT ST § 78B-7-1105(2)(b)
2 UT ST § 78B-7-1105(1), (2)