Massachusetts Restraining Orders
Restraining Orders
Abuse Prevention Orders
Basic information
What is the legal definition of abuse in Massachusetts?
This section defines abuse for the purposes of getting an abuse prevention order. “Abuse” is defined as any of the following acts between family or household members:
- attempting to cause you physical harm;
- causing you physical harm;
- placing you in fear of immediate serious physical harm;
- causing you to have sexual relations against your will (involuntarily) due to force, threat, or duress; or
- coercive control, which is defined as either of the following:
- a single action intended to threaten, intimidate, harass, isolate, control, coerce, or force you to do something, which makes you fearful of being physically harmed, makes you feel physically unsafe, or reduces your autonomy. The action can be any of the following:
- harming or attempting to harm your child or relative;
- abusing or attempting to abuse an animal connected to you; or
- publishing or attempting to publish sexually explicit images of you; or
- a pattern of behavior intended to threaten, intimidate, harass, isolate, control, coerce, or force you to do something, which makes you fearful of being physically harmed, makes you feel physically unsafe, or reduces your autonomy. Examples of the behaviors include, but are not limited to:
- isolating you from friends, relatives, or other sources of support;
- depriving you of basic needs;
- controlling, regulating, or monitoring your activities, communications, movements, finances, economic resources, or access to services through technology or other means;
- forcing (compelling) you to do something, including engaging in criminal activity, or forcing you not to do something that you want to do;
- threatening to harm your child or relative;
- threatening to commit cruelty or abuse to an animal connected to you;
- intentionally damaging your property;
- threatening to publish sensitive personal information about you, including sexually explicit images; or
- filing repeated court actions against you that a judge determined to be not supported by the law or in bad faith.1
Note: If you don’t qualify for an abuse prevention order, you may qualify for a harassment prevention order. For more information, see our Harassment Prevention Orders section.
1 M.G.L.A 209A § 1
What types of abuse prevention orders are there? How long do they last?
There are three types of orders.
Emergency protective orders: The police may be able to help you get an emergency protective order, which is issued by a judge over the telephone through something called the “Emergency Judicial Response System,” if you are unable to appear in court to file for an order because:
- the court is closed; or
- due to your physical condition, it would present a “severe hardship” for you to get to court.1
To grant you the order, the judge must believe that there is a substantial likelihood of immediate danger of abuse. Once the judge authorizes the order over the phone to the police, the police would write it down on a form provided by the court and deliver it the next business day to the clerk-magistrate in the appropriate court. You will then have to appear in court on the next business day to file your complaint (petition) for an order. If your severe physical condition prevents you from appearing in court, then you can send someone else on your behalf to file the complaint and s/he will have to file an affidavit that explains the circumstances that make it impossible for you to appear in court yourself.1 You can read more about this process in the After-hours Abuse Prevention Packet Instructions, available on the Massachusetts Court System website.
Temporary (ex parte) orders: When you go to court to file for an abuse prevention order, you can request a temporary ex parte order. A temporary ex parte order can be granted immediately, without a full court hearing and without the abuser being notified beforehand if the judge believes there is a substantial likelihood of immediate danger of abuse. The order will last until the hearing, which will be within ten business days.2
Long-term orders: A long-term abuse prevention order can be issued after the abuser is given notice and the chance to appear at a court hearing where you and the abuser will each have a chance to present evidence to the judge. If you can prove that you were abused, the judge can issue you an order for up to one year. The order will state the time and date that the order will expire as well as the date and time that you can appear in court to ask for the order to be extended. When the expiration date stated on the order is on a weekend day, a holiday, or a date when the court is closed to business, the order shall not expire until the next date that the court is open. The order can later be extended permanently.4 For more information on how to extend an order, see How do I change or extend my abuse prevention order?
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 5; see also M.G.L.A. 211B § 9(vi)
2 M.G.L.A. 209A § 4
3 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3
4 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3(i)
What protections can I get in an abuse prevention order?
A temporary abuse prevention order can do any of the following:
- order the abuser to:
- not abuse you as follows:
- not harm you;
- not threaten you;
- not attempt to harm you physically;
- not place you in fear of immediate serious physical harm; and
- not use force, threat, or duress to make you have sexual relations;1
- not abuse your children;
- stop contacting you and any children in your custody;
- move out of the home if you live together, give you back the house keys, and not return to the home;
- stay away from your residence and place of work;2
- stay away from your school;3
- stay away from your children’s school or daycare;
- have unsupervised visitation, supervised visitation with certain limitations put in place to protect you and your children, or no visitation;4
- surrender any and all firearms and firearm identification cards to the police;5 and
- not abuse, threaten, take, interfere with, hide, harm, or get rid of any animal owned or kept by you, the abuser, or a child living in your household;6
- not abuse you as follows:
- give you:
- temporary custody of your children - but, see the “Note” below;2
- possession, care, and control of any domesticated animal owned or kept by you, the abuser, or a child living in your household;6 and
- other reasonable requests that the judge believes are necessary to protect you from abuse.3
A final abuse prevention order can:
- include everything mentioned above; and
- in addition:
- pay you temporary child support if any children that you have with the abuser live with you;
- pay you temporary spousal support if you are married; and
- order the abuser to:
- pay for any losses you suffered as a direct result of the abuse, such as:
- lost wages;
- costs for turning back on any utilities the abuser turned off;
- any costs you spent due to injuries s/he caused, such as medical bills;
- costs to change or repair locks to your door;
- costs for personal property s/he destroyed; or
- attorney’s fees.7
- pay for any losses you suffered as a direct result of the abuse, such as:
Note: If there is already a custody or child support order established or pending from the probate and family court, the judge can still include an order for custody or support in your abuse prevention order as long as it is for a period of time that does not exceed 30 days. The judge in the probate and family court can later change the terms of custody or support, however, and that judge will have the final say in the matter. If there is no established or pending custody order from the probate and family court, then an order of temporary custody can last for the full length of the abuse prevention order.8
1 M.G.L.A. 209A §§ 1; 3; 4; See complaint for protection from abuse, page 1
2 M.G.L.A. 209A §§ 3; 4
3 See complaint for protection from abuse, page 1
4 See complaint for protection from abuse, page 2
5 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3B
6 M.G.L.A. 209A § 11(a)
7 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3; see complaint for protection from abuse, page 1
8 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3
If the abuser gets visitation, what limitations can be included in the abuse prevention order to protect me and my child?
If the judge gives the abuser visitation with your children as part of your abuse prevention order, the judge should make sure that your and your children’s well-being and safety are protected by doing one or more of the following:
- ordering supervised exchange of the child, either with a third party or in a protected setting, such as a visitation center;
- ordering supervised visitation with the child by an appropriate third party or at a visitation center;
- ordering the abuser to pay the costs for supervised visitation at a visitation center;
- ordering the abuser to attend and complete a batterers’ treatment program in order to get visitation;
- ordering the abuser to not drink and to not have or use drugs during the visitation and for 24 hours before the visit;
- prohibiting overnight visitation;
- requiring the abuser to deposit money with the court (bond) as an incentive to ensure the safe return of the child;
- ordering an investigation or appointing a guardian ad litem or attorney for the child; or
- ordering any other condition that the judge believes is necessary.1
Note: Although many courts can issue abuse prevention orders, including superior, district, Boston municipal, and family and probate courts, if you are asking for visitation, supervised or otherwise, to be included in your order, only the probate and family court can order visitation in an abuse prevention order.2
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3
2 See Guide to Completing G.L. c. 209A Forms, available on the Massachusetts government website
In which county can I file for an abuse prevention order?
You can file for an abuse prevention order in the county where you live. If you have left your home temporarily to avoid abuse, you have the option of filing in the county in which you are temporarily living or in the county where you permanently live.1
You can ask the court clerk to keep the address where you are living confidential, known as “impounding” your address.2 However, if you have left your home to avoid abuse, you may not want to file in the county where you are temporarily staying because this would alert the abuser to which county you are temporarily living in.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 2
2 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3(g)
If the abuser lives in a different state, can I still get an order against him/her?
If you live in Massachusetts and the abuser does not, two issues could come up. First, the judge may not have “personal jurisdiction” over an out-of-state abuser, meaning the court may not be able to grant an order against him/her. Second, even if the judge issues an order, the judge could be limited in terms of what the order can include.
Personal jurisdiction
There are a few ways that a court can have personal jurisdiction over an out-of-state abuser:
- The abuser has a substantial connection to your state. Perhaps the abuser regularly travels to your state to visit you, for business, to see extended family, or the abuser lived in your state and recently fled.
- One of the acts of abuse “happened” in your state. Perhaps the abuser sends you threatening texts or harassing phone calls from another state but you read the messages or answer the calls while you are in your state. The judge could decide that the abuse “happened” to you while you were in your state. It may also be possible that the abuser was in your state when s/he abused you s/he but has since left the state.
- If you file your petition and the abuser gets served with the court petition while s/he is in your state, this is another way for the court to get jurisdiction.
However, even if none of the above apply to your situation, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t get an order. You may be granted an order on consent or the judge may find other circumstances that allow the order to be granted. You can read more about personal jurisdiction in our Court System Basics - Personal Jurisdiction section.
Limitations on what can be included in the order
If the judge finds that the court does not have personal jurisdiction over the out-of-state abuser, the judge might still be able to issue an order due to the Massachusetts Guidelines for Judicial Practice. The judge can order the abuser to “not” do certain things; however, the judge may not be able to make the abuser do certain things or take certain actions (known as “imposing affirmative duties”). For example, the order can say things like “do not harass; do not contact; do not come near the home of the petitioner” but it cannot say things like “pay child support; surrender your weapons to the state police; reimburse the petitioner for property damage.”1
Note: If the judge in your state refuses to issue an order, you can file for an order in the courthouse in the state where the abuser lives. However, remember that you will likely need to file the petition in person and attend various court dates, which could be difficult if the abuser’s state is far away.
1 MA Abuse Prevention Proceedings Guideline 3:03A; see Caplan v. Donovan, 450 Mass. 463 (Mass. 2008)
Who can get an abuse prevention order
Am I eligible for an abuse prevention order?
You may be eligible for an abuse prevention order if an act of abuse (as defined by law) was committed by any of the following family or household members:
- your spouse or former spouse;
- someone with whom you live, currently or in the past;
- someone related to you by blood or marriage;
- someone with whom you have a child in common; or
- someone with whom you have or had a “substantial dating relationship.”1
To determine whether or not your dating relationship was “substantial,” the judge will look at the following factors:
- the length of the relationship;
- the nature of the relationship;
- how often you interacted with each other; and
- how long ago you broke up if you are no longer dating.1
Note: If you don’t qualify for an abuse prevention order, you may qualify for a harassment prevention order. For more information, see our Harassment Prevention Orders section.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 1
Can I get an abuse prevention order against a minor?
The section of the law that lists the protections that you can get in an abuse prevention order, such as ordering the abuser not to contact or abuse you, clearly states that they can be ordered “whether the defendant is an adult or minor.”1
1 See M.G.L.A. § 3
Can I get an abuse prevention order against a same-sex partner?
In Massachusetts, you may apply for an abuse prevention order against a current or former same-sex partner as long as the relationship meets the requirements listed in Am I eligible for an abuse prevention order? You must also be the victim of an act of abuse, which is explained in What is the legal definition of abuse in Massachusetts?
You can find information about LGBTQIA victims of abuse and what types of barriers they may face on our LGBTQIA Victims page.
How much does it cost to get an abuse prevention order? Do I need a lawyer?
There is no filing fee to get an abuse prevention order. In addition, you cannot be charged for:
- certified copies of the order;
- any copies of the file that you may need for future court action or as a result of the loss or destruction of your copies.1
You do not need a lawyer to file for a protection order but it is often helpful to have one, especially if the abuser has a lawyer. Even if the abuser does not have a lawyer, it is recommended that you contact a lawyer who is knowledgeable about abuse prevention orders to make sure that your legal rights are protected. Go to our MA Places that Help page for legal referrals and for contact information for local domestic violence agencies in your area that may be able to help you fill out the necessary court forms.
If you are going to be in court without a lawyer, our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section may be useful to you.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3
Steps for getting an abuse prevention order
Step 1: Go to court to get and file the complaint.
As soon as possible after the abuse occurs, go to the district court nearest to where you live or the probate and family court in the county in which you live. You may also go to the superior court in the county in which you live, or to the Boston Municipal Court if you live in Boston, but most abuse prevention orders are filed in the district courts or probate and family courts. It is also important to know that if you are asking for visitation, supervised or otherwise, to be included in your order, only the probate and family court can order visitation in an abuse prevention order.1
You can obtain the complaint during normal business hours, Monday through Friday or you can find the forms online at our MA Download Court Forms page. To find the courthouse in your county, go to MA Courthouse Locations.
If you are in immediate danger of abuse and the court is closed, you may get an emergency order by going to the nearest police department. If you are issued an emergency order, it will only be good until the close of the next day that the court is open. For the protection to remain in effect, you must go to court before the close of the next business day to request an abuse prevention order.
1 See Guide to Completing G.L. c. 209A Forms, available on the Massachusetts Court System website
Step 2: Fill out the necessary forms.
The clerk will provide you with the forms that you need to fill out or you can find links to the forms you will need at our MA Download Court Forms page. On the complaint, you will be the “plaintiff” and the abuser will be the “defendant.” Write about the most recent incidents of violence, using descriptive language - words like “slapping,” hitting,” “grabbing,” threatening,” “choking,” etc. - that fits your situation. Include details and dates, if possible. Be specific.
Remember to bring some form of identification, such as a driver’s license or other identification that includes your picture, in case the clerk needs it in order to notarize your signature.
If the locations of your home, work, or school are confidential, you can ask the court clerk to keep the address confidential (“impound” your address)1 by filling out a Plaintiff Confidential Information Form. You can also check off various boxes on the complaint to request that the judge order that your home, work, and school addresses not appear anywhere on the abuse prevention order itself.2
If you need assistance filling out the form, ask the clerk for help. Some courts may have an advocate that can assist you. Another option is to find help through one of the domestic violence agencies listed on our MA Advocates and Shelters page.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3(g)
2 See complaint for protection from abuse, page 1
Step 3: The ex parte hearing
When you file for an abuse prevention order, there is generally an ex parte hearing where the judge will read your complaint and ask you why you want an abuse prevention order. If the judge believes there is a substantial likelihood of immediate danger of abuse, the judge can issue an ex parte temporary order with any terms that the judge believes are necessary to protect you from abuse. The order will usually last for ten business days until the return hearing.1
Even if the judge does not grant you a temporary ex parte order at the ex parte hearing, it’s possible that you can still be given a court date for a return hearing where the abuser will be present. At that time, you can try to prove your case as to why an order should be granted and the abuser can object and defend himself/herself.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 4
Step 4: Service of process
The abuser must be “served,” or given papers that tell him/her about the hearing date and your temporary abuse prevention order if the judge gave you one. The first step for this to happen is that the clerk-magistrate will send the following documents to the appropriate law enforcement agency:
- a certified copy of the temporary ex parte order;
- the order of suspension of the abuser’s firearms license and order for surrender of firearms; and
- a copy of the complaint and summons, which includes the return court date.1
Do not attempt to serve the papers on the abuser yourself.
When serving the abuser, the police are also supposed to do the following:
- immediately take possession of all firearms, ammunition, any license to carry firearms, and any firearms identification cards in the abuser’s control, ownership, or possession;2
- fully inform the defendant of what is included in the abuse prevention order;
- explain the possible penalties for violating the order; and
- provide the defendant with informational resources, including, but not limited to, a list of certified batterer intervention programs, substance abuse counseling, alcohol abuse counseling and financial counseling programs in the area. The law enforcement agency shall promptly make its return of service to the court.1
You can find more information about service of process in our Preparing for Court – By Yourself section, in the question called What is service of process and how do I accomplish it?
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 7
2 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3B
Step 5: The hearing
A judge will generally set the hearing date within ten business days of when you first filed your complaint.1
You must go to the hearing. If you do not go to the hearing, your temporary order will expire and you will have to start the process over. If the abuser has received notice of the hearing, but does not show up, the judge can continue with the hearing and grant you an order that lasts for up to one year.2 If the abuser was not able to be served, the judge may order a new hearing date and extend your temporary restraining order.
Although you do not need a lawyer, it is often helpful to have one, especially if the abuser is going to object to the order being issued or if the abuser has a lawyer. Go to our MA Finding a Lawyer page for legal referrals. If you show up to court and the abuser has a lawyer and you do not, you may ask the judge for a “continuance” to set a later court date so you can have time to find a lawyer for yourself. Even if you cannot find an attorney to represent you, you may want to try to talk to an attorney to get advice as to what types of evidence you can bring to court and other ways to represent yourself. You can also go to our At the Hearing page for more information when representing yourself.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 4
2 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3
After the hearing
Can the abuser have a gun?
If the judge believes that there is a substantial likelihood of immediate danger of abuse, the judge is supposed to order the immediate suspension of the abuser’s license to carry firearms and firearm identification card as part of your temporary ex parte order or emergency order. In addition, unlike in other states, Massachusetts law clearly states that when law enforcement serves the abuse prevention order, summons, and complaint upon the defendant, the defendant must immediately hand over (surrender) all of the following to law enforcement:
- his/her license to carry firearms;
- his/her firearms identification card; and
- all firearms and ammunition that s/he controls, owns, or possesses.1
The defendant does have the right to petition the court to ask the judge to reconsider the order for suspension and surrender. The issue would then be set down for a hearing within ten business days after the the abuser files the petition. However, if the defendant files an affidavit with the petition in which s/he explains that a firearm or ammunition is required for his/her job, s/he can request that the hearing be held within two business days.2 You will be notified of the hearing and have an opportunity to be present.
For additional information about firearms restrictions, go to our MA State Gun Laws section and our Federal Gun Laws section to understand the federal laws that apply to all states.
You can read more about keeping an abuser from accessing guns on the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence and Firearms’ website.
1 M.G.L.A 209A §§ 3B; 7
2 M.G.L.A 209A § 3B
What should I do when I leave the courthouse?
Here are some ideas for things that you may want to do when leaving court – you will have to decide which ones work for you:
- Make several copies of the protective order as soon as possible.
- Keep a copy of the order with you at all times.
- Leave copies of the order at your work place, at your home, at the children’s school or daycare, in your car, with a sympathetic neighbor, and so on.
- Give a copy to the security guard or person at the front desk where you live and/or work along with a photo of the abuser.
- Give a copy of the order to anyone who is named in and protected by the order.
- One week after court, call your local law enforcement offices to make sure they have received copies of the protective order. If they have not, you may want to ask if you can deliver a copy to them.
- Take steps to safety plan, including possibly changing your locks and your phone number.
Ongoing safety planning is important after receiving the order. People can do a number of things to increase their safety during violent incidents, when preparing to leave an abusive relationship, and when they are at home, work, and school. Many batterers obey protective orders, but some do not. It is important to build on the things you have already been doing to keep yourself safe. For more information please visit the Safety Planning page. Advocates at local resource centers can assist you in designing a safety plan and can provide other forms of support.
What can I do if the abuser violates the order?
Generally, if the abuser violates an order, you can call the police or you can file a complaint for contempt in the court that issued the order to report the violation to the court. It can be a crime and contempt of court for violating an abuse prevention order.
Under Massachusetts law, a violation of an order can be punishable by a fine of up to $5,000, imprisonment for up to two and a half years, or both. In addition, the judge is also supposed to order the abuser to complete a certified batterer’s intervention program, unless the judge finds good cause why this should not happen.1
Note: If the judge determines that the abuser violated the order as retaliation for you reporting him/her to the Department of Revenue for failure to pay child support or for the establishment of paternity, the abuser will be ordered to pay a fine of between $1,000 and $10,000 and will be sentenced to at least 60 days in jail. The 60-day jail sentence cannot be suspended and s/he cannot be eligible for probation or parole and the jail-time cannot be reduced due to good behavior. S/he has to serve the full 60 days.1
If the police are not involved or do not arrest him/her or file a criminal complaint against him/her, you may still be able to go to the district court and take out a criminal complaint against him/her.
For more information about contempt, including the difference between criminal contempt and civil contempt, go to our general Domestic Violence Restraining Orders page.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 7
How do I change or extend my abuse prevention order?
If you want to change (modify) your order or if you want to end (terminate) the order, you can file a motion to modify or terminate the order. The judge may let you appear in front of him/her right away if the changes are urgently needed or the judge could set the matter down for a hearing.1 The abuser also has the right to file a defendant’s motion to modify or terminate. If s/he files such a motion, you would be notified and the matter would be set down for a hearing where you can be present and object to the termination or modification.
You may apply to the court to have your abuse prevention order extended even if no new acts of abuse occurred while you have had your order. When you get your one-year order, the order will state the time and date that the order will expire as well as the date and time that you can appear in court to ask for the order to be extended. (If the expiration date is on a weekend, a holiday, or a date when the court is closed, the order will not expire until the next date that the court is open.) If you go to court at the date and time the order is to expire – or, if you file a motion to extend the order and it is set down for a different date – the judge will decide whether or not to extend the order for any additional time that the judge believes is “reasonably necessary” to protect you and your children. The judge can even make the order “permanent.”2 You may be able to extend your order without the abuser appearing in court.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3(i); see also Notice to Plaintiff Regarding Abuse Prevention Order, Massachusetts Court System website
2 M.G.L.A. 209A § 3(i)
Can I enforce my abuse prevention order if I move?
Your abuse prevention order can be enforced even if you move to another state. If you move, your order must be given “full faith and credit” in any other state, territorial or tribal court, which means that your order will be good wherever you go. Please see our Moving with an Abuse Prevention Order page.
If I get a protection order, will it show up in an internet search?
According to federal law, which applies to all states, territories, and tribal lands, the courts are not supposed to make available publicly on the internet any information that would be likely to reveal your identity or location. This applies to all of these documents:
- the petition you file;
- the protection order, restraining order, or injunction that was issued by the court; or
- the registration of an order in a different state.1
1 18 USC § 2265(d)(3)
Harassment Prevention Orders (includes sexual assault)
Basic information
What is the legal definition of harassment?
For the purpose of getting a harassment prevention order, the law defines harassment as any of the following:
- three or more acts of cruel behavior when the harasser has the intent to cause, and actually causes, any of the following:
- fear;
- intimidation;
- abuse; or
- damage to property;
- causing another person to have sexual relations against his/her will by force, threat, or coercion; or
- committing one of the following crimes against another person, even if the crime is never reported to the police or the harasser is never arrested for it:
- indecent assault and battery on child under age of 14;
- indecent assault and battery on mentally retarded person;
- indecent assault and battery on person fourteen or older;
- rape;
- rape of child;
- rape and abuse of child;
- assault with intent to commit rape;
- assault of child; intent to commit rape;
- kidnapping;
- stalking;
- criminal harassment; or
- drugging persons for sexual intercourse.1
Note: Filing a civil harassment prevention order does not affect your right to also report the harasser to the police for harassing you, stalking you, or committing any of the above crimes against you if you choose to.2
1 M.G.L.A. 258E § 1
2 M.G.L.A. 258E §§ 3(g); 4
Who is eligible for a harassment prevention order?
Any person who is being harassed can file for a harassment prevention order. It does not matter who the person harassing you is. It can be a stranger, someone you know, an intimate partner, a friend, or family member.1
However, if the person harassing you is a spouse, intimate partner, or a family or household member, you may want to consider getting an abuse prevention order instead. With an abuse prevention order, the judge can include a lot more types of protections than in a harassment prevention order.
1 See M.G.L.A. 258E § 1
What type of harassment prevention orders are there? How long do they last?
There are two types of orders: temporary ex parte orders and final orders.
If the judge believes that you are in immediate danger of harassment, the judge can grant you a temporary ex parte order. A temporary order will last until the final hearing, which usually takes place within ten business days.1
If the court is closed or you are unable to go to court because of your physical condition, the judge can issue a temporary ex parte order by phone. Once it’s issued, the order goes to a police officer who would then get it approved by the clerk. This temporary order would only last until the next business day. Then you or someone on your behalf (a “representative”) would have to file the petition and an affidavit explaining your physical condition.1
The court will immediately have to notify the abuser about the temporary harassment prevention order and about the upcoming hearing date.2
The final prevention order can be given at a hearing where both you and the harasser can be present, and it can last for up to one year.3
At the final hearing, you and the abuser will both have the opportunity to present your sides of the story through witnesses, testimony and other evidence. Then the judge will make a decision whether to give you a final harassment prevention order or not. You have the right to have a lawyer with you and it is generally best to have one, especially if you believe the harasser will have one. Go to our MA Finding a Lawyer page for legal referrals.
If the abuser does not show up on the date of the final hearing, your temporary prevention order would continue to be valid.2
1 M.G.L.A. 258E § 6
2 M.G.L.A. 258E § 5
3 M.G.L.A. 258E § 3(d)
What protections can I get in a harassment prevention order?
As part of a harassment prevention order, the judge can order that the harasser:
- stop abusing or harassing you;
- stop contacting you, unless contact is permitted by the court;
- stay away from your home or workplace; and
- pay you back for any money that you lost because of the harassment, such as:
- loss of earnings from work;
- medical expenses;
- damage to property;
- the cost of replacing your locks;
- the cost of getting an unlisted phone number; and
- your attorney’s fees.1
You can ask for numbers 1 through 3, above, whether the harasser (defendant) is an adult or a minor. You can only ask for number 4, above, if the harasser is an adult.1
When you file for the harassment prevention order, you can also file a separate petition relative to domesticated animals in which you can ask the judge to order that the harasser (defendant) not abuse, threaten, take, interfere with, harm, hide, give away, or otherwise dispose of your pets. You can also request possession, care, and control of your pets.2
Note: Even if the harassment prevention order does not specifically prohibit firearms, Massachusetts laws says that anyone with a temporary or final harassment prevention order against him/her is not eligible to get a firearm license, which is needed to have or buy a gun.3
1 M.G.L.A. 258E § 3(a)
2 See Petition relative to domesticated animals
3 Mass. Gen. Laws 140 § 121F(j)
Getting a harassment prevention order
When I apply for the order, can I keep my address confidential?
Your home address and work address will appear on the order unless you specifically ask that this information is kept confidential.1 Be sure to tell the clerk that you want this information confidential when filling out the forms.
1 M.G.L.A. 258E § 10
How much does it cost?
There is no fee to file a petition for a harassment prevention order or to get certified copies of the order.1
1 M.G.L.A. 258E § 3(c)
Can I change or extend my harassment prevention order?
Changing the order
Either you or the harasser can file a motion to change (modify) the order at any time and the court will set a hearing date. Either the person who files the motion or the court will serve notice on the other party. At the hearing, both sides can argue their case and tell the judge why the order should or should not be changed.1
Extending the order
There are two ways you can ask the court to extend the order:
- When you get your final order, it should list a date and time when the order expires and when you can go back to court to ask for an extension. You can go to court on that date and ask the judge to extend the order for a specific time period or make it permanent. If it expires on a date the court is closed, you should go to court the next day that the court is open.2 The harasser might come to court on the expiration date too.
- Instead of showing up in court on the expiration date, you can file a motion in court before the order expires, asking for an extension. Usually, after someone files a motion, the court notifies the other party and sets a date for a hearing. At the hearing, both sides can argue their case as to why the order should or should not be extended.
You can still ask for an extension of your final order even if there have not been any new incidents of harassment since the first order was issued.2
1 M.G.L.A. 258E § 3(e)
2 M.G.L.A. 258E § 3(d)
What happens if an abuser violates a harassment prevention order?
You can call 911 to report a violation to the police if the harasser violates the harassment prevention order. Each harassment prevention order issued must contain the following statement “VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE.” Any violation of a harassment prevention order can be punishable by a fine of up to $5,000, by imprisonment for up to 2 ½ years, or both.
You can also file a contempt petition in the civil court that issued the order. The judge can hold the harasser in “civil contempt” and punish the harasser.1
1 M.G.L.A. 258E § 9
Extreme Risk Protection Orders
Basic info
What is an extreme risk protection order?
An extreme risk protection order is a civil order issued by a judge that keeps a person, known as the respondent, from having firearms if s/he may pose a risk of causing bodily injury to him/herself or others.1
1 MA ST 140 § 131R(a)
Who can file for an extreme risk protection order?
To file for an extreme risk protection order, you must be:
- a family member of the respondent;
- a household member of the respondent;
- a law enforcement officer who interacted with the respondent in an official capacity within the past 30 days;
- a healthcare provider who provided health care services to the respondent within the past six months;
- a principal, assistant principal, or administrator of a school or college where the respondent is enrolled; or
- the licensing authority in the city or town where the respondent lives.1
You are considered to be a family or household member if you:
- are the respondent’s spouse or ex-spouse;
- live with or used to live with the respondent in the same household;
- are or were related by blood or marriage to the respondent;
- have or are having a child with the respondent, even if you and the respondent never married or lived together; or
- are or were in a significant dating relationship with, or engaged to, the respondent.2
1 Petition for Extreme Risk Protection Order
2 MA ST 140 § 121; Petition for Extreme Risk Protection Order
What types of orders are there? How long do they last?
There are two types of extreme risk protection orders: emergency extreme risk protection orders and final extreme risk protection orders.
Emergency extreme risk protection orders: An emergency extreme risk protective order can be issued ex parte, which means that the respondent does not have notice of the case beforehand and is not present for the hearing. An ex parte extreme risk protection order lasts up to ten days until a hearing is held for the final extreme risk protection order.1 However, the judge must hold a hearing on an extreme risk protection order within two days if the respondent files a statement with the court that a firearm or ammunition is needed for his/her job.2
Final extreme risk protection orders: The judge can issue a final extreme risk protective order after the respondent has received notice of the case and has an opportunity to participate in a hearing. The judge can issue a final extreme risk protection order for a period of up to one year.3
1 MA ST 140 § 131T(a)(1)
2 MA ST 140 § 131S(b)
3 Massachusetts Government website
What protections can I get in an extreme risk protection order?
In an extreme risk protection order, the judge can order that the respondent to give up:
- all firearms and ammunition; and
- his/her license to carry firearms and firearm identification card.1
As soon as the respondent is served with the order, s/he would immediately have to surrender all of the above items to the local licensing authority that is serving the order. If the respondent does not surrender the firearms within 24 hours, the judge will issue a warrant for law enforcement to take (seize) any firearm or ammunition that the respondent has access to.2
1 MA ST 140 § 131S(c)(2)
2 MA ST 140 § 131S(f), (d)(1)
Getting the order
How do I get an extreme risk protection order?
The steps to get an extreme risk protective order are similar to the steps to get a domestic violence restraining order, but you will fill out different forms.
Your petition should include:
- the facts that you believe support your request for an extreme risk protection order;
- the reason you think the respondent is at risk of causing bodily injury to himself/herself or others by having a firearm;
- the number, types, and locations of any firearms or ammunition you believe are in the respondent’s current control, ownership, or possession;
- whether there is an abuse prevention order, a harassment prevention order, or any similar type of order in another state that is in effect against the respondent; and
- whether there is a pending lawsuit, complaint, petition, or other legal action between you and the respondent.1
1 MA ST 140 § 131R(b)
How will a judge make a decision about whether or not to grant the order?
A judge can issue an emergency order or a final order against a respondent if the judge believes that s/he poses a risk of causing harm to himself/herself or another person by having any of the following in his/her possession:
- firearms or ammunition;
- a license to carry firearms; or
- a firearm identification card.1
1 MA ST 140 §§ 131T(a)(1); 131S(c)(1)
Can I renew an extreme risk protection order?
The court will notify the person who filed the initial petition (petitioner) at least 30 days before the order expires. If the petitioner files to renew the order before the final order expires, the judge can renew the extreme risk protection order for up to one year.1
1 MA ST 140 § 131S(c)(3)
What happens if the respondent violates the order?
Violating an extreme risk protection order is a crime. If the respondent violates the terms of an extreme risk protection order, s/he could be ordered to pay a fine of up to $5,000, go to jail for up to two and a half years, or both.1
1 MA ST 140 § 131S(f)
Moving with an Abuse Prevention Order
General rules
Can I get my abuse prevention order from Massachusetts enforced in another state?
If you have a valid Massachusetts abuse prevention order that meets federal standards, it can be enforced in another state. The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which is a federal law, states that all valid restraining orders granted in the United States receive “full faith and credit” in all state and tribal courts within the US, including US territories. See How do I know if my abuse prevention order is good under federal law? to find out if your order qualifies.
Each state must enforce out-of-state restraining orders in the same way it enforces its own orders, which means that if the abuser violates your out-of-state order, s/he will be punished according to the laws of whatever state you are in when the order is violated. This is what is meant by “full faith and credit.”
How do I know if my abuse prevention order is good under federal law?
An abuse prevention order is good anywhere in the United States as long as:
- It was issued to prevent violent or threatening acts, harassing behavior, sexual violence, or it was issued to prevent another person from coming near you or contacting you.1
- The court that issued the order had jurisdiction over the people and case. (In other words, the court had the authority to hear the case.)
- The abuser received notice of the order and had an opportunity to go to court to tell his/her side of the story.
- In the case of ex parte temporary and emergency orders, the abuser must receive notice and have an opportunity to go to court to tell his/her side of the story at a hearing that is scheduled before the temporary order expires.2
Note: For information on enforcing a military protective order (MPO) off the military installation, or enforcing a civil protection order (CPO) on a military installation, please see our Military Protective Orders page.
1 18 U.S.C. § 2266(5)
2 18 U.S.C. § 2265(a) & (b)
Getting your Massachusetts abuse prevention order enforced in another state
How do I get my abuse prevention order enforced in another state?
Federal law does not require you to take any special steps to get your abuse prevention order enforced in another state.
Many states do have laws or rules (regulations) about registering or filing of out-of-state orders, which can make enforcement easier, but a valid abuse prevention order is enforceable regardless of whether it has been registered or filed in the new state.1 Rules differ from state to state, so it may be helpful to find out what the rules are in your new state. You can contact a local domestic violence organization for more information by visiting our Advocates and Shelters page and entering your new state in the drop-down menu.
Note: It is important to keep a copy of your abuse prevention order with you at all times.
1 18 U.S.C. § 2265(d)(2)
Do I need anything special to get my abuse prevention order enforced?
In some states, you will need a certified copy of your abuse prevention order. A certified copy says that it is a “true and correct” copy; it is signed and initialed by the clerk of court that gave you the order, and usually has some kind of court stamp.
If your copy is not a certified copy, call or go to the court that gave you the order and ask for a certified copy. You can find contact information for courthouses in Massachusetts on our MA Courthouse Locations page.
Note: It is important to keep a copy of the order with you at all times. You will also want to bring several copies of the order with you when you move. Leave copies of the order at your work place, at your home, at the children’s school or daycare, in your car, with a sympathetic neighbor, and so on. Give a copy to the security guard or person at the front desk where you live and/or work. Give a copy of the order to anyone who is named in and protected by the order.
Can I get someone to help me? Do I need a lawyer?
You do not need a lawyer to get your abuse prevention order enforced in another state.
However, you may want to get help from a local domestic violence advocate or attorney in the state that you move to. A domestic violence advocate can let you know what the pros and cons are for registering your order, and help you through the process if you decide to do so.
To find a domestic violence advocate or an attorney in the state you are moving to, go to the Places that Help tab on the top of this page and choose the state you are moving to. See Finding a Lawyer or Advocates and Shelters for resources in your area.
I have a temporary (ex parte) order. Can it be enforced in another state?
An ex parte temporary order can be enforced in other states as long as it meets the requirements listed in How do I know if my abuse prevention order is good under federal law?1
Note: The state where you are going generally cannot extend your ex parte temporary order or issue you a permanent order when the temporary one expires. If you need to extend your temporary order, you will have to contact the state that issued the order and arrange to be at the hearing in person or by telephone (if that is an option offered by the court). However, you may be able to reapply for one in the new state that you are moving to if you meet the requirements for getting a protective order in that state – but, if you apply for one in a new state, the abuser would know what state you are living in, which may put you in danger.
1 18 U.S.C. § 2265(b)(2)
Enforcing custody provisions in another state
I was granted temporary custody with my abuse prevention order. Can I take my kids out of the state?
Whether you can leave the state may depend on the exact wording of the custody provision in your abuse prevention order. You may have to first seek the permission of the court before leaving. If the abuser was granted visitation rights with your children, then you have to have the order changed, or show the court that there is a fair and realistic alternative to the current visitation schedule.
If you are unsure about whether or not you can take your kids out of the state, it is important to talk to a lawyer who understands domestic violence and custody laws and can help you make the safest decision for you and your children. You can find contact information for legal assistance in Massachusetts on our MA Finding a Lawyer page.
I was granted temporary custody with my abuse prevention order. Will another state enforce this custody order?
Custody, visitation, and child support provisions that are included in an abuse prevention order can be enforced across state lines. Law enforcement and courts in another state are required by federal law to enforce these provisions.1
1 18 USC § 2266
Enforcing Your Out-Of-State Order in Massachusetts
General rules for out-of-state orders in Massachusetts
Can I get my protection enforced in Massachusetts? What are the requirements?
Under Massachusetts state law, any ex parte, temporary, or final protection orders issued by civil or criminal court in another state, territory, or possession of the United States, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, or a tribal court can be enforced throughout Massachusetts as long as the order was issued for the purpose of preventing:
- violent or threatening acts against you;
- harassment against you;
- contact or communication with you; or
- physical closeness to you.1
In addition, under federal law, which applies to all states, there are slightly different rules about which types of orders can be enforced in Massachusetts. Your protective order can be enforced in Massachusetts under federal law as long as:
- It was issued to prevent violent or threatening acts, harassing behavior, sexual violence, or it was issued to prevent another person from coming near you or contacting you.2
- The court that issued the order had jurisdiction over the people and case. (In other words, the court had the authority to hear the case.)
- The abuser received notice of the order and had an opportunity to go to court to tell his/her side of the story.
- In the case of ex parte temporary and emergency orders, the abuser must receive notice and have an opportunity to go to court to tell his/her side of the story at a hearing that is scheduled before the temporary order expires.3
Note: For information on enforcing a military protective order (MPO) off the military installation, or enforcing a civil protection order (CPO) on a military installation, please see our Military Protective Orders page.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A §§ 5A; 1; MA Abuse Prev. 14:00
2 18 U.S.C. § 2266(5)
3 18 U.S.C. § 2265(a), (b)
Can I have my out-of-state protection order changed, extended or canceled in Massachusetts?
Generally, only the state that issued your protection order can change, extend, or cancel the order. You cannot have this done by a court in Massachusetts.
To have your order changed, extended, or canceled, you will have to file a motion or petition in the court where the order was issued. You may be able to request that you attend the court hearing by telephone rather than in person, so that you do not need to return to the state where the abuser is living. To find out more information about how to modify a restraining order, see the Restraining Orders page for the state where your order was issued.
If your order does expire while you are living in Massachusetts, you may be able to get a new one issued in Massachusetts but this may be difficult to do if no incidents of abuse have taken place in Massachusetts. To find out more information on how to get an abuse prevention order in Massachusetts, visit our MA Restraining Orders page.
I was granted temporary custody with my out-of-state protection order. Will I still have temporary custody of my children in Massachusetts?
As long as the child custody provision complies with certain federal laws,1 Massachusetts can enforce a temporary custody order that is a part of a protection order.
To have someone read over your order and tell you if it meets these standards, contact a lawyer in your area. To find a lawyer in your area, go to our MA Finding a Lawyer page.
1 The federal laws are the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Act (UCCJA) or the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA), and the Parental Kidnapping Prevention Act of 1980.
Registering your out-of-state order in Massachusetts
What is the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) Registry? Who has access to it?
The National Crime Information Center Registry (NCIC) is a nationwide, electronic database used by law enforcement agencies in the U.S, Canada, and Puerto Rico. It is managed by the FBI and state law enforcement officials.
Before moving to Massachusetts, the state that issued your protection order may already have entered your order into the NCIC. If not, your order will be entered into the NCIC once your order is registered in MA.
Note: Most law enforcement officials have access to the NCIC, but the information is encrypted so outsiders cannot access it.
How do I register my protection order in Massachusetts?
To register your protection order, bring a certified copy of your order to any district, probate, family, or superior court, or the Boston municipal court in order to file in with the court. You will have to swear under oath in an affidavit (a written statement) that, to the best of your knowledge, the order is currently in effect as written.1 See MA Courthouse Locations for contact information. You may want to ask the court to “impound”, or keep confidential, your address so that the abuser cannot learn where you are from a court record.
You do not need a lawyer to register your protection order. If you are confused or worried about the process, you can contact a local domestic violence organization in Massachusetts to ask for help from a local advocate. To find a local domestic violence organization in Massachusetts, please go to our MA Advocates and Shelters page.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 5A
Do I have to register my protection order in Massachusetts in order to get it enforced?
Police officers must enforce your out-of-state protection order whether or not you register it. If it is not registered, you will need to show the officer a copy of your protection order, and you may have to swear in writing that it is still in effect.
While you do not have to register your protection order in order to get it enforced, one benefit of registration is that you may be able to get your order enforced, even if you are not carrying a copy of the order with you when the police officer arrives at the scene.1
Protection orders that are registered in Massachusetts are kept in the Massachusetts statewide registry operated by the Commissioner of Probation, and Massachusetts police officers should have access to this registry when they arrive at the scene.
1 M.G.L.A. 209A § 5A
What if I don’t register my protection order? Will it be more difficult to have it enforced?
While neither federal law nor state law requires that you register your protection order in order to get it enforced, if your order is not entered into the state registry or the NCIC database, and you do not have a copy of your order with you when the police officer arrives, it may be more difficult for a law enforcement official to determine whether your order is real. Meaning, it could take longer to get your order enforced.
However, if you have a certified copy of your protection order with you, and if it is listed in the NCIC, then it may not matter if your protection order is registered in Massachusetts or not.
If you are unsure about whether registering your order is the right decision for you, you may want to contact a local domestic violence organization in your area. An advocate there can help you decide what the safest plan of action is for you in Massachusetts. To see a list of local domestic violence organizations in Massachusetts, go to our MA Advocates and Shelters page.
Will the abuser be notified if I register my protection order?
Under the federal Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), which applies to all U.S. states and territories, the court is not permitted to notify the abuser when a protective order has been registered or filed in a new state unless you specifically request that the abuser be notified.1 However, you may wish to confirm that the clerk is aware of this law before registering the order if your address is confidential.
However, remember that there may be a possibility that the abuser could somehow find out what state you have moved to. It is important to continue to safety plan, even if you are no longer in the state where the abuser is living. We have some safety planning tips to get you started on our Safety Planning page. You can also contact a local domestic violence organization to get help in developing a personalized safety plan. You will find contact information for organizations in your area on our MA Advocates and Shelters page.
1 18 USC § 2265(d)
Does it cost anything to register my protection order?
There is no fee for registering your protection order in Massachusetts.1
1 See MA Abuse Prev. 14:00