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Legal Information: Idaho

Statutes: Idaho

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August 16, 2024

39-6308. Ex-parte temporary protection order

(1) Where an application under this section alleges that irreparable injury could result from domestic violence if an order is not issued immediately without prior notice to the respondent, the court may grant an ex parte temporary protection order based upon the affidavit submitted or otherwise shall hold a hearing which may be ex parte on the day a petition is filed or on the following judicial day to determine whether the court should grant an ex parte temporary protection order, pending a full hearing, and grant such other relief as the court deems proper, including an order:

(a) Restraining any party from committing acts of domestic violence;

(b) Excluding any party from the dwelling shared or from the residence
of the other until further order of the court;

(c) Restraining any party from interfering with the other’s custody of
the minor children or from removing the children from the jurisdiction
of the court;

(d) Ordering other relief as the court deems necessary for the
protection of a family or household member, including orders or
directives to a peace officer, as allowed under this chapter;

(e) Restraining the respondent from contacting, molesting, interfering
with or menacing the minor children whose custody is awarded to the

(f) Restraining the respondent from entering any premises when it
appears to the court that such restraint is necessary to prevent the
respondent from contacting, molesting, interfering with or menacing the
petitioner or the minor children whose custody is awarded to the
petitioner; and/or

(g) Restraining the respondent from taking more than personal clothing
and toiletries and any other items specifically ordered by the court.

(2) An ex parte hearing to consider the issuance of a temporary protection order may be conducted by telephone in accordance with procedures established by the Idaho supreme court.

(3) Irreparable injury under this section includes but is not limited to situations in which the respondent has recently threatened the petitioner with bodily injury or has engaged in acts of domestic violence against the petitioner.

(4) The court shall hold an ex parte hearing on the day the petition is filed or on the following judicial day.

(5) An ex parte temporary protection order shall be effective for a fixed period not to exceed fourteen (14) days, but may be reissued. A full hearing, as provided in this chapter, shall be set for not later than fourteen (14) days from the issuance of the temporary order. The respondent shall be served with a copy of the ex parte order along with a copy of the petition and notice of the date set for the hearing. If the ex parte
temporary protection order substantially affects the respondent’s rights to enter the domicile or the respondent’s right to custody or visitation of the respondent’s children and the ends of justice so require, the respondent may move the court for an order shortening the time period within which the hearing required under the provisions of section 39-6306, Idaho Code, must be held. Motions seeking an order shortening the time period must be served upon the petitioner at least two (2) days prior to the hearing on the motion.