Child Support
Below you will find basic information on child support in Idaho.
How can I get a child support order?
Where can I find information about child support in Idaho?
How can I get a child support order?
There are two ways to get a child support order if your child mostly lives with you.
You can file in court as part of a divorce, child support, or paternity case.1
Another option is to apply for child support services with the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare. They can help you:
- set up a new court order for child support and health insurance (medical support);
- enforce court orders for child support and medical support;
- change (modify) a support order;
- collect child support payments and keep payment records;
- find the other parent; if you don’t know where s/her is; and
- establish legal fatherhood (paternity).2
If you get public benefits like cash assistance, food stamps, or Medicaid, the government will automatically refer you for child support services.2
See the Child Support Services page on the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare website for more information and the application.
1 ID ST §§ 32-706; 7-1121
2 ID ST § 56-203A
Where can I find information about child support in Idaho?
The Idaho Court Assistance Office (CAO) answers common questions about child support.
You can find a copy of the Idaho Child Support Guidelines on the Idaho Courts website. Go to Rule 120, Child Support Guidelines.
Learn more about Idaho child support services on the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare’s website. is unrelated to the above organizations and cannot vouch for the accuracy of their sites. These links are for your information only.