40B101. Definitions
The definitions in this Section apply throughout this Chapter unless the context clearly requires otherwise.
(a) Petitioner means any named petitioner for the stalking protection order or any named victim of stalking conduct on whose behalf the petition is brought.
(b) Stalking conduct means any of the following:
(1) any act of stalking as defined under 9 GCA, Chapter 19, § 19.70;
(2) any course of conduct, whether physical, verbal, written, electronic, telephonic, via or by use of a computer, computer network, computer system, telephone network, data network, text message, instant message, or otherwise, involving repeated or continuing contacts, attempts to contact, monitoring, tracking, keeping under observation, or following of another that:
(A) would cause a reasonable person to feel intimidated, frightened, or threatened;
(B) serves no lawful purpose; and
(C) the stalker knows or reasonably should know their conduct threatens, frightens, or intimidates the person, even if the stalker did not intend to intimidate, frighten, or threaten the person.
(c) Stalking no-contact order means a temporary order or a final order granted under this Chapter against a person charged with or arrested for stalking, which includes a remedy authorized under § 40B106 of this Chapter.
(d) Stalking protection order means an ex parte temporary order or a final order granted under this Chapter, which includes a remedy authorized under § 40B106 of this Chapter.