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Legal Information: District of Columbia

Statutes: District of Columbia

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August 30, 2024

§ 22-3016. Second degree sexual abuse of a patient or client.

(a) A person is guilty of second degree sexual abuse who purports to provide, in any manner, professional services of a medical, therapeutic, or counseling (whether legal, spiritual, or otherwise) nature, and engages in a sexual contact with another person who is a patient or client of the actor, or is otherwise in a professional relationship of trust with the actor; and

(1) The actor represents falsely that the sexual contact is for a bona fide medical or therapeutic purpose, or for a bona fide professional purpose for which the services are being provided;

(2) The nature of the treatment or service provided by the actor and the mental, emotional, or physical condition of the patient or client are such that the actor knows or has reason to know that the patient or client is impaired from declining participation in the sexual contact;

(3) The actor represents falsely that he or she is licensed as a particular type of professional; or

(4) The sexual contact occurs during the course of a consultation, examination, treatment, therapy, or other provision of professional services.

(b) Any person found guilty pursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be imprisoned for not more than 5 years and, in addition, may be fined not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01.