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Estatutos Estatales Seleccionados: Maryland

Statutes: Maryland

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19 de agosto de 2024

§ 9-403. State Clearinghouse for Missing Children

(a) There is a State Clearinghouse for Missing Children operated by the Department of State Police that is responsible for:

(1) the receipt, collection, and distribution of general information and annual statistics regarding missing children; and

(2) coordination of law enforcement agencies and other interested persons or groups within and outside the State regarding information on children who have disappeared from, or are thought to be located in, Maryland.

Information publicized by State Clearinghouse

(b) For children who have disappeared from or are thought to be located in the State, the State Clearinghouse for Missing Children:

(1) shall publish:

(i) the names of and relevant available information on missing children; and

(ii) annual statistics regarding missing children; and

(2) may establish and maintain a list of organizations and groups that provide volunteer search teams or resources relating to missing children.

Fingerprinting programs for children

(c) The Secretary of State Police may develop, in cooperation with local law enforcement agencies, a plan for voluntary fingerprinting programs for children.