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Legal Information: Oklahoma


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Laws current as of November 12, 2024

What is a parenting coordinator and do I have to get one?

If you are involved in a divorce or custody case involving a minor child, the judge may appoint a parenting coordinator to help figure out the family issues and have both sides come to an agreement.1 The parenting coordinator will suggest to the judge what s/he thinks is best for the child and the terms you were all able to agree upon. If you object to the parenting coordinator’s report/suggestions, you can file an objection within ten days of receiving this report, which the judge will review.2 Even if the judge appoints a coordinator, the judge has the final say on custody, visitation, and child support.3

The judge may appoint a coordinator on his/her own, or you or the other parent could file a motion asking to appoint a parenting coordinator to your case. However, if you or the other parent objects to having a parenting coordinator appointed, the court will not appoint one unless:

  • there are a lot of disagreements between the parents; and
  • the judge thinks that the coordinator is in the best interest of the child.4

The court may decide that the parents have to pay for the parenting coordinator’s pay based on their income, or the judge can order a different amount per parent if the judge believes there is “good cause” to do so. The state will not pay for a parenting coordinator. If possible, the judge may appoint a coordinator to serve on a volunteer basis in cases where the judge feels that a coordinator is necessary and the parties cannot afford one.5

1 43 O.S. § 120.3(A)
2 43 O.S. § 120.4(A), (C), (D)
3 43 O.S. § 120.3(C)(2)
4 43 O.S. § 120.3(A), (B)(1), (B)(2) 
5 43 O.S. § 120.5