December 10, 2024Statutes: North Carolina
- Chapter 1. Civil Procedure
- Chapter 1A. Rules of Civil Procedure
- Chapter 5A. Contempt
- Chapter 7B. Juvenile Code
- Chapter 14. Criminal Law
- Subchapter III. Offenses Against the Person
- Article 7B. Rape and Other Sex Offenses
- 14-27.20. Definitions
- 14-27.21. First-degree forcible rape
- 14-27.22. Second-degree forcible rape
- 14-27.23. Statutory rape of a child by an adult
- 14-27.24. First-degree statutory rape
- 14-27.25. Statutory rape of person who is 15 years of age or younger
- 14-27.26. First-degree forcible sexual offense
- 14-27.27. Second-degree forcible sexual offense
- 14-27.28. Statutory sexual offense with a child by an adult
- 14-27.29. First-degree statutory sexual offense
- 14-27.30. Statutory sexual offense with a person who is 15 years of age or younger
- 14-27.31. Sexual activity by a substitute parent or custodian
- 14-27.32. Sexual activity with a student
- 14-27.33. Sexual battery
- 14-27.34. No defense that victim is spouse of person committing act
- Article 8. Assaults
- Article 10 - Kidnapping and Abduction
- Article 10A. Human Trafficking
- Article 7B. Rape and Other Sex Offenses
- Subchapter IV. Offenses Against the Habitation and Other Buildings
- Subchapter V. Offenses Against Property
- Subchapter VI. Criminal Trespass
- Subchapter VII. Offenses Against Public Morality and Decency
- Article 26. Offenses Against Public Morality and Decency
- 14-190.5A. Disclosure of private images
- 14-190.16. First degree sexual exploitation of a minor
- 14-190.17. Second degree sexual exploitation of a minor
- 14-190.17A. Third degree sexual exploitation of a minor
- 14-190.17C. Obscene visual representation of sexual exploitation of a minor
- 14-196. Using profane, indecent or threatening language to any person over telephone; annoying or harassing by repeated telephoning or making false statements over telephone
- 14-196.3. Cyberstalking
- 14-202. Secretly peeping into room occupied by another person
- 14-202.7. Sexual extortion; aggravated sexual extortion
- Article 27A. Sex Offender and Public Protection Registration Programs
- Article 26. Offenses Against Public Morality and Decency
- Subchapter IX. Offenses Against the Public Peace
- Subchapter XI. General Police Regulations
- Subchapter III. Offenses Against the Person
- Chapter 15A. Criminal Procedure Act
- Chapter 42. Landlord and Tenant
- Chapter 50. Divorce and Alimony
- Article 1. Divorce, Alimony, and Child Support, Generally
- 50-5.1. Grounds for absolute divorce in cases of incurable insanity
- 50-6. Divorce after separation of one year on application of either party
- 50-7. Grounds for divorce from bed and board
- 50-8. Contents of complaint; verification; venue and service in action by nonresident; certain divorces validated
- 50-13.1. Action or proceeding for custody of minor child
- 50-13.2. Who entitled to custody; terms of custody; visitation rights of grandparents; taking child out of State; consideration of parent's military service
- 50-13.2A. Action for visitation of an adopted grandchild
- 50-13.3. Enforcement of order for custody
- 50-13.4. Action for support of minor child
- 50-13.5. Procedure in actions for custody or support of minor children
- 50-13.6. Counsel fees in actions for custody and support of minor children
- 50-13.7. Modification of order for child support or custody
- 50-13.9. Procedure to insure payment of child support
- 50-13.11. Orders and agreements regarding medical support and health insurance coverage for minor children
- 50-13.12. Forfeiture of licensing privileges for failure to pay child support or for failure to comply with subpoena issued pursuant to child support or paternity establishment proceedings
- 50-16.3A Alimony
- Article 5. Parenting Coordinator
- Article 1. Divorce, Alimony, and Child Support, Generally
- Chapter 50A. Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act
- Chapter 50B. Domestic Violence
- 50B-1. Domestic violence; definition
- 50B-2. Institution of civil action; motion for emergency relief; temporary orders; temporary custody
- 50B-3. Relief
- 50B-3.1. Surrender and disposal of firearms; violations; exemptions
- 50B-4. Enforcement of orders
- 50B-4.1. Violation of valid protective order
- 50B-4.2. False statement regarding protective order a misdemeanor
- 50B-5. Emergency assistance
- 50B-5.5. Employment discrimination unlawful
- 50B-6. Construction of Chapter
- 50B-7. Remedies not exclusive
- 50B-8. Effect upon prosecution for violation of sec. 14-184 or other offense against public morals
- 50B-9. Domestic Violence Center Fund
- Chapter 50C. Civil No-Contact Orders
- 50C-1. Definitions
- 50C-2. Commencement of action; filing fees not permitted; assistance
- 50C-3. Process for action for no-contact order
- 50C-4. Hearsay exception
- 50C-5. Civil no-contact order; remedy
- 50C-6. Temporary civil no-contact order; court holidays and evenings
- 50C-7. Permanent civil no-contact order
- 50C-8. Duration; extension of orders
- 50C-9. Notice of orders
- 50C-10. Violation
- 50C-11. Remedies not exclusive
- Chapter 50D. Permanent Civil No–Contact Order Against Sex Offender On Behalf of Crime Victim
- 50D-1. Definitions
- 50D-2. Commencement of action; filing fees not permitted; assistance
- 50D-3. Process for action for permanent civil no-contact order
- 50D-4. Hearsay exception
- 50D-5. Remedy
- 50D-6. Duration
- 50D-7. Notice of orders
- 50D-8. Enforcement
- 50D-9. Rescission
- 50D-10. Violation
- 50D-11. Remedies not exclusive
- Chapter 51. Marriage
- Chapter 52C. Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
- Chapter 95. Department of Labor and Labor Regulations
- Article 21. Retaliatory Employment Discrimination
- Article 23. Workplace Violence Prevention
- 95-260. Definitions
- 95-261. Civil no-contact orders; persons protected
- 95-262. Commencement of action; venue
- 95-263. Process for action for no-contact order
- 95-264. Civil no-contact order; remedy
- 95-265. Temporary civil no-contact order; court holidays and evenings
- 95-266. Permanent civil no-contact order
- 95-267. Duration; extension of orders
- 95-268. Notice of orders
- 95-269. Violation of valid order
- 95-270. Employment discrimination unlawful
- 95-271. Scope of Article; other remedies available
- Chapter 110. Child Welfare